Our National Debt

For the $40 trillion in quantitative easing we gave Wall Street, we could have created 25 million jobs paying $100,000 per year for 16 years! #TheValentineConstitution

For the $40 trillion in quantitative easing we gave Wall Street, we could have had 50 million jobs paying $100,000 per year for 8 years and built a sustainable energy grid giving us all free energy forever  #TheValentineConstitution

For the $40 trillion in quantitative easing we gave Wall Street, we could have had  25 million jobs paying $100,000 per year for 8 years and free energy forever! #TheValentineConstitution

Essentially Quantitative easing gave Wall Street $40 trillion for 5 million jobs. That’s $8 million per job! #TheValentineConstitution

For the $40 trillion in quantitative easing we gave Wall Street, we could have created 50 million jobs paying $100,000 per year for 8 years! #TheValentineConstitution

The $40 trillion that quantitative easing gave Wall Street is now our national debt and costs us 22% of our budget annually just to pay the interest, and we still owe the $40 trillion! #TheValentineConstitution

Trump’s 2018 tax cut gave Wall Street $1 trillion charged to our credit card and added to our debt. That’s 10 million $100,000/year jobs. #TheValentineConstitution

Quantitative easing gave Wall Street $40 trillion we now pay 22% of our debt to pay the interest on annually without even reducing the debt! #TheValentineConstitution

Quantitative easing put our nation $40 trillion in debt and costs us 22% of our budget annually just to pay the interest, all so Wall Street can keep cheating us. #TheValentineConstitution

Trump’s 2018 tax cut gave Wall Street $1 trillion charged to our credit card and added to our debt. That’s 10 million $100,000/year jobs, or 1 million $100,000/year jobs for 10 years. #TheValentineConstitution

Balanced Budget, AAA Credit

#TheValentineConstitution replaces all the complicated accounting for today’s money movements between federal, State, county and city governments and agencies participating together in projects, with easily traceable, streamlined accounting.

Our government’s budget, which will include every state and federal department’s budget, will always be balanced. #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution prohibits our government from going into debt, except in case of emergency, and not to bail out companies.

#TheValentineConstitution would free up the 22% of our budget now spent on interest on our debt to spend on other things.

#TheValentineConstitution requires balanced budgets and pay-as-we-go accounting with no future obligations or liabilities.

#TheValentineConstitution prohibits todays massive national debt of $40 trillion and future liabilities of $200 trillion! Baby boomers’ gift to their children and grandchildren.

#TheValentineConstitution requires our government to have a foreign trade surplus.

#TheValentineConstitution requires our government to have a balanced budget.

#TheValentineConstitution prohibits our nation’s credit rating to drop below AAA.

#TheValentineConstitution requires AAA credit ratings for all State and Federal governments and departments.

#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the printing of money beyond its true value.

#TheValentineConstitution prohibits our money supply to exceed the true value of our economy.

#TheValentineConstitution requires our government to have a AAA credit rating.

Trade surplus

#TheValentineConstitution prohibits multinational corps from exploiting cheap labor in foreign countries, and creating instability we must then sacrifice our children to expensively police.

These addicted Wall Street elites, who own our politicians, are loyal to money not to America. We need #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution prevents multinational monopoly CEOs from outsourcing our jobs.

#TheValentineConstitution forbids one sided trade deals that outsource our jobs, pad offshore bank accounts and leave us with a trade deficit.

We fund ports and tunnels for imports not exports helping Wall Street multinationals outsource our jobs and rip us off. #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution requires a trade surplus with all nations, and outlaws 90% of outsourcing.

Buying goods from other countries makes Citizens poorer and Wall Street richer? Ratify #TheValentineConstitution

Why enrich other countries buying goods we can make better here? To make Wall Street richer? Ratify #TheValentineConstitution

We aren’t saving money buying cheap overseas goods. Wall Street is. #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution will not import products made overseas by overworked, underpaid, raped, mistreated workers, who learn to hate America.

Budget % Amounts

Discretionary spending is what we have left to spend after we deduct what we have already committed to spend. Today, that leaves only 15% of our annual tax revenues! #TheValentineConstitution

Discretionary and nondiscretionary spending today confuses the general percentage amounts we spend annually. #TheValentineConstitution

Nondiscretionary spending is what we have already committed to spend including pensions. #TheValentineConstitution

Under #TheValentineConstitution there will be only one budget for all of government because there will be no overlaps of responsibilities.

Today’s budget: interest on our debt 22%; Medicare and Medicaid 31%; Social Security 27%; military and veterans costs 13%; schools 2%; infrastructure 2%; environment 1%; government 1%. #TheValentineConstitution

Under #TheValentineConstitution Citizens will vote to (dis)approve our general percentage budget outlays every 12 years.

No Future Obligations

#TheValentineConstitution gives pensioners the option of saving, spending or investing their pension money individually or collectively if they wish, and to choose their money managers, and where, how and what to invest in.

#TheValentineConstitution allows pensioners to combine their power to get the best possible returns on their pension type funds, and to choose who manages it.

#TheValentineConstitution transfers the power of pension funds from Wall Street titans back to pensioners to do with as they see fit.

Out government will no longer pay pensions but instead pay higher salaries to prevent this generation from passing its burdens on to future generations. #TheValentineConstitution

Today we have over $200 trillion in national future liabilities and $40 trillion in national debt. #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution prohibits future obligations to prevent current generations from passing their burdens on to future generations like the baby boomers are today.

Government workers will receive higher salaries instead of pensions to reduce burdens on future generations, and to allow workers to invest that money as they see fit. #TheValentineConstitution

Today’s future obligations are over $200 trillion. That’s what we owe if we stopped spending. #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution gives pensioners the power over their own money.

#TheValentineConstitution requires balanced budgets and pay-as-we-go accounting with no future obligations or liabilities.

All Expenditures Accounted For

Citizens will be able to see what we got for every dollar we spend on any project except top secret ones. #TheValentineConstitution

Every dollar of tax and its expenditure shall be simply accounted for to Our Citizens by the responsible department none of which shall have overlapping responsibilities or jurisdictions.  #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution prohibits any overlap of responsibilities between departments, so there can be no redirecting of responsibility.

Our government will be publicly audited on a continuous basis under #TheValentineConstitution

Today it’s impossible to account for tax dollars because today it’s impossible to know who has responsibility for what. Not so under #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution requires that every government expenditure be accounted for to our Citizens by the responsible department.

#TheValentineConstitution requires that Citizens be able to track every government expenditure and what we got for it. That’s called Citizen oversight.

#TheValentineConstitution requires that every tax dollar be immediately and proportionately credited to all budget line items.

#TheValentineConstitution provides that every tax dollar be traceable from its collection to its expenditure.

Citizen Rating of Government and Contractors

#TheValentineConstitution ensures our government uses contractors providing the least costly, longest lasting, best results and performances with the highest ratings.

#TheValentineConstitution ensures our government does not rehire inept or crooked contractors or employees.

#TheValentineConstitution ensures our government terminates inept or crooked contractors or employees.

A majority vote of the Citizens can terminate or extend the employment or contract of any government worker or contractor. #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution provides a rating system for government services and contractors so we end up with the best.

Apps will allow Citizens to easily rate the performance of government contractors and employees. #TheValentineConstitution

Citizens will be able to rate, and to terminate or extend business with all public and private individuals and companies who receive compensation from our government. #TheValentineConstitution

Apps will allow Citizens to easily track tax revenues, government budgets and expenditures and what we got for our money. #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution provides Citizens with oversight powers, access to government tax collections, expenditures and business, and the power to terminate or extend employee and company contracts.

#TheValentineConstitution ensures our government employs the best workers.