Relationship Class

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class allows students to get to know each other.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class will also be available to adults night and weekends.

#TheValentineConstitution eradicates nastiness among students by having them learn each other’s stories in relationship class.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class ensures that students know each other’s backgrounds.

Most students know little about their classmates, no wonder many don’t get along. Ratify #TheValentineConstitution

It’s harder to dislike those whose stories you know because most are good people dealing with bad problems. #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class confronts bullying, debunks cliques, and establishes loving, supportive school environments.

#TheValentineConstitution requires daily relationship class, student presentations, and community projects.

Students will share their stories in relationship class, and our schools will be more loving. Ratify #TheValentineConstitution

Students who know each other will get along better because they’ll find things in common to agree on and bond with. #TheValentineConstitution

What do you know about the classmate you just insulted? Ratify #TheValentineConstitution

Do you know what kind of life your fellow students go home to? Ratify #TheValentineConstitution

Students don’t know what kind of life their fellow students go home to. Ratify #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class ensures that students know what kind of life their fellow students go home to.

Relationship class will create happier campuses. Ratify #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class improves students’ communication skills.

#TheValentineConstitution requires that all school employees participate in relationship class occasionally.

#TheValentineConstitution provides K-12 students with communication skills, camaraderie and safe neighborhoods.

#TheValentineConstitution prevents bullying, cliques, and alienation and the resulting negative learning environment.

Positive Learning Environment

#TheValentineConstitution confronts negativity and bullying and alienation in schools and requires that students get to know each other’s stories in relationship class and act with civility towards one another.

#TheValentineConstitution provides K-12 students with communication skills, camaraderie and safe neighborhoods.

#TheValentineConstitution provides K-12 students with camaraderie and safe neighborhoods.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class increases camaraderie in schools.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class creates a positive, loving, supportive learning environment.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class confronts bullying, debunks cliques and requires that kids get to know one another.

#TheValentineConstitution provides a positive learning environment by confronting bullying, debunking cliques and requiring that kids get to know one another.

#TheValentineConstitution provides a positive learning environment by confronting bullying and debunking cliques.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class establishes a culture of caring and mutual respect in our schools.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class is at the center of respectful, caring campus cultures.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class is at the center of a series of policies that will establish respectful positive campus cultures.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class, school chores and student participation is at the center of a series of policies that will establish respectful positive campus cultures.

#TheValentineConstitution replaces negativity with positivity, and nastiness with civility in our schools.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class engenders a positive learning environment.

Cliques and Rumors

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class help rumor mongers to become more charitable.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class dispels rumors and exposes the one who started it.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class gets students from different cliques to discuss what they like about their clique and what they don’t like about other cliques.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class gets students from different cliques to discuss their differences, and their perceptions of each other, and why they feel the way they do, and ways to fix it.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class debunks cliques and alienation and negative learning environments, by getting students from different cliques to discuss their differences.

#TheValentineConstitution debunks cliques and provides a positive learning environment in our schools.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class requires that students from different cliques get to know each other making it harder for them to dislike each other.

#TheValentineConstitution dispels rumors by discussing them in relationship class.

Bullying, Scorn and Mocking

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class allows bullies to share the experiences that led to their bullying.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class exposes the causes of bullying and scornful and mocking behavior.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class allows victims to address bullies and requires bullies to address their victims.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class supports victims in their effort to deal with the effects of bullying.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class addresses and requires bullies to address the causes of their bullying.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class addresses and requires students to address the causes of their scorn and mocking.

#TheValentineConstitution exposes bullying in schools by ensuring students get to know each other’s stories in relationship class.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class supports the effort by bullies to confront the causes of their bullying and change their behavior.

#TheValentineConstitution prevents bullying and alienation and negative learning environments.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class exposes and confronts bullies, ends bullying, and establishes a loving supportive school environment.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class eliminates bullying, scorn and mocking in our schools.

#TheValentineConstitution diminishes scorn and mocking by requiring students to get to know each other in relationship class, and discuss face to face the scorn and mocking that has taken place.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class exposes and diminishes scorn and mocking in schools.

Hate Crimes

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class requires that students share and help each other with their personal problems thereby making it harder for them to dislike each other.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class allows haters to apologize to the victims of their hatred.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class allows haters to share the experiences that led to their hatred.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class ensures students support victims of hate crimes and makes haters get to know those they hate and how they’ve hurt them.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class prevents hate crimes in schools by exposing haters early and helping them to change before they do something rash.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class addresses the causes of hateful behavior.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class allows victims and haters to discuss their issues.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class supports victims in confronting those who hate them.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class makes it harder to hate.

It’s harder to hate people who’ve explained why they hurt you. Ratify #TheValentineConstitution

It’s harder to hate people who’ve tried to help you than those who have not. Ratify #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution establishes a campus culture that supports mental and physical health in its schools.

School Spree Killings

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class allows a hater to choose a more civil solution to their problems.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class supports the victims of hatred and haters in plumbing the depths of their their very different issues.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class prevents spree killings by getting spree killers the help they need before they go  ballistic.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class gets spree killers to confront the causes of their hatred preventing them from going ballistic.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class exposes and addresses the causes of the hater’s hate.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class defuses the hater’s hate.

#TheValentineConstitution establishes a culture of mental and physical health in its schools.

Spree killers don’t kill those who’ve tried to help them. Ratify #TheValentineConstitution

Spree killers usually hate people they think hated them first, people who alienated them. #TheValentineConstitution

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class offers a killer a solution to his problems and the ability to make friends of those he thinks hate him back.

#TheValentineConstitution establishes a campus culture that supports mental and physical health in its schools.

#TheValentineConstitution relationship class offers a killer a solution to his problems and the ability to find support among those he thinks hate him.

High School Boot Camp

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp will provide high schoolers with a sense of accomplishment.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp teaches high school students responsibility and team work.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp teaches high school students discipline, respect and maturity.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp for high schoolers will teach entire generations precisely what to do in emergency and crisis situations.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp for high schoolers will teach entire generations what to do and how to coordinate before, during and after emergency and crisis situations.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp for high schoolers will prepare entire generations to assume various roles in emergency and crisis situations.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp prepares high schoolers for their particular roles in emergency and crisis situations.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp teaches high schoolers what to do in emergency and crisis situations.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp allows high schoolers to become a part of their communities and nation.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp for high schoolers gives our children a sense of how they fit into their own community and society.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp will allow high schoolers to easily reel in bad apples who today run amuck in our communities.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp for high schoolers makes communiites far more likely to police themselves, and require far smaller police forces as a result.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp for high schoolers will teach students to be respectful of the rules we all have decided to live by.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp will teach our children to stand up for themselves.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp gives high schoolers a shared experience with their fellow classmates providing camaraderie and closeness.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp teaches high schoolers to respect authority, and to appreciate how good they have it at home.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp will allow our students to eradicate demons and overcome fears.

#TheValentineConstitution boot camp teaches high school students discipline, responsibility, team work and maturity.

Parenting Class

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class gives each parent and student the opportunity to have their position critiqued by other parents and teachers, and parenting professionals.

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class gives students and parents the opportunity to get a broken relationships back on track.

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class gives each student the opportunity to explain their position to a parent not their own.

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class gives each parent the opportunity to explain their position to children the same age as their own.

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class gives each parent the opportunity to teach and learn about the most important job in any society.

#TheValentineConstitution teaches parenting and parent-child communication.

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class gives teachers and classmates a look at both parents to see what the kid’s up against at home. Ask them a few questions. Say hello.

#TheValentineConstitution provides a parenting class requiring the participation of one parent one time per semester.

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class gives us as a society the opportunity to achieve happier relationships with our children.

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class gives students and parents a sometimes light, other times serious environment in which to advance their relationships with each other.

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class helps heal the dysfunction in American families.

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class gives us as a society an opportunity to have happier more constructive relationships.

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class gives each parent the opportunity to listen to the position of other children their child’s age.

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class exposes students and parents to fresh perspectives regarding their relationship.

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class gives each parent and student the opportunity to receive feedback from people outside their relationship.

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class gives students and parents a chance to learn from parenting professionals.

#TheValentineConstitution parenting class brings much needed attention to the two most important jobs in the world, parenting and teaching,