Organic Farming
Organic farming is far more economical than chemical farming. #TheValentineConstitution
Organic farming has none of the high costs of chemical farming: pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, nitrogen, deep well digging, irrigation systems, and all the costs in labor, equipment and maintenance. #TheValentineConstitution
Small organic farms are the most economical, create the best jobs and work environments, and produce the healthiest food and animals. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution requires a return to safe, organic farming practices with no synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, so we will have food far into the future.
#TheValentineConstitution limits crop size so that enough plant varieties bloom spring, summer, and autumn to give pollinating insects something to live off of.
#TheValentineConstitution requires healthy organic sustainable farming.
No Monoculture Farming
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits monoculture farming which kills the bees we need to pollinate/grow 70% of our crops.
Trucked in bees get lost in the foreign geography and can’t find their hives, and die from stress, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, bee drugs, or corn syrup feed. #TheValentineConstitution
Bees collapse from overwork since they would normally hibernate all winter and live off the honey they collected in spring and summer. #TheValentineConstitution
Exhaustion leaves bees’ immune systems vulnerable to diseases which agribusiness treats by pouring drugs on them, only the drugs don’t work, so they try new drugs. #TheValentineConstitution
The exhausted, drugged, poisoned bees are having trouble reproducing so agribusiness scientists inject them with hormones and drugs in an effort to stimulate reproduction. #TheValentineConstitution
Natural selection allows the strongest flyer to get to and inseminate the queen ensuring strong genetics. But time shortages cause agribusiness to artificially inseminate queens weakening pods even further. #TheValentineConstitution
Wall Street scientists are failing in their effort to play God but they’re all making lots of money cause minimum wage workers can only afford their toxic food. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits monoculture farming because it kills bees, depletes aquifers, toxifies the crop poisoning our food, kills downstream fish,
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits mono crop agriculture which risks large scale crop failures like the potato famine, the banana collapse, etc.
80% of our food requires pollination to grow. #TheValentineConstitution
Without pollination, food cannot grow. #TheValentineConstitution
Every pollinated flower becomes food. Every unpollinated flower does not. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits bee-killing monoculture farming, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, and hormones, and requires that all farming be organic so bees, and we, can survive.
Monoculture farms grow only one crop on miles of land and the crop blooms only once per year for a week, not enough for bees to live there year round. #TheValentineConstitution
Bees can’t live off of one bloom per year, so they’re trucked in from far away, fed with corn syrup, then dumped onto foreign land. More and more die each year. #TheValentineConstitution
Honey Bees and Pollinators
#TheValentineConstitution eliminates the chemicals that kill the bees and insects necessary to grow crops.
Nitrogen boosts crop yields but creates algae blooms that rob oxygen and kill fish. #TheValentineConstitution
When the family farm went extinct, we didn’t know we’d be next. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits pollinator-killing fertilizers, and requires sustainable organic farming.
If we lose the honey bees we lose our food supply. #TheValentineConstitution
When the bees die, we die. #TheValentineConstitution
Honey bees are necessary to pollinate crops. There is no other way. #TheValentineConstitution
80% of food cannot grow without pollination. #TheValentineConstitution
Soon we will have to make $10,000 nano drones to pollinate our crops. #TheValentineConstitution
Toxic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides kill the bees we need to pollinate our crops or there’s no more food. #TheValentineConstitution
Why use toxic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides when they kill the bees we need to pollinate our crops? #TheValentineConstitution
No Chemical Farming
Poisoning our own food supply is stupid, and now more expensive than organic farming due to the costs of all the equipment, chemicals and their application. #TheValentineConstitution
Megalomaniacal, addictively greedy Wall Street CEOs lie and cheat and falsify the scientific data they give to the politicians and media outlets they own. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution requires that we stop using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, so we will have a safe water and food supply far into the future.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the pesticides and synthetic fertilizers that are slowly killing us and the bees and insects who pollinate our crops and keep us alive.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits fish-killing nitrogen and toxins.
#TheValentineConstitution ensures that our fisheries are not decimated by fish-killing algae created by nitrogen used to enhance crop yields.
Toxic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are not even easier or cheaper anymore. It’s simply what all these chemists know how to do. They’re not farmers, they’re technicians. #TheValentineConstitution
We’re killing ourselves so CEOs can put another 100 feet on their yachts! #TheValentineConstitution
Our air, water, crops and food contain all the insecticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers used on crops, and all the fossil fuels and industrial chemicals and ground down plastics we used. #TheValentineConstitution
Wall Street agribusiness and chemical business money addicts prefer money to survival. #TheValentineConstitution
Toxins will be eliminated from our food supply by #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits toxic farming practices.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits bee-killing monoculture farming, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, and hormones, and requires that all farming be organic so bees, and we, can survive.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the production and use of all chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers because it all ends up in our air, water and food, making us sick and killing the bees we need to pollinate our crops.
The nitrogen that makes crops grow faster and bigger runs off with the rainwater and irrigation water into our lakes and rivers and oceans, and creates algae blooms which rob the water of oxygen killing all the fish.
The Costs of Chemical Farming
Monoculture synthetic farming is now more expensive than organic framing due to the costs of all the chemicals, drugs, fertilizers and time and equipment required to apply them all. #TheValentineConstitution
Our toxified food supply makes Wall Street richer and you poorer and sicker. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits subsidies to Wall Street agribusinesses which produce a toxic food supply.
We allowed Wall Street to steal all the family farms. Now we’re paying for that mistake with high food prices. #TheValentineConstitution
Wall Street agribusiness, chemical and pharmaceutical CEOs don’t care how high they drive food costs, they’re rich. #TheValentineConstitution
Illness and Suffering
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits cancer causing, synthetic, fake farming.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits pesticides, antibiotics, growth hormones and the resulting human health problems.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits unhealthy toxins and avoids the illness, cost, pain and inconvenience they cause.
Toxic food causes most of the illnesses that make pharmaceutical companies rich. #TheValentineConstitution
Wall Street agribusiness has toxified our food supply to give big pharma more business. #TheValentineConstitution
A toxic food supply makes Wall Street agribusiness and big pharma richer and us poorer and sicker. #TheValentineConstitution
Wall Street killed the family farm and now has its sights on us with its poisoned food supply. #TheValentineConstitution
Wall Street toxifies our food then sells us drugs for the illnesses caused by the food. #TheValentineConstitution
Agribusiness Corruption
Monoculture farms and synthetic fertilizer and pesticide companies and our news media are all owned by big Wall Street companies with big lobbies in Washington DC. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution takes the steps necessary to protect the nature we need to survive.
Destroying the nature we need to survive is suicide. Ratify The Valentine Constitution.
The press is biased because it’s literally owned by big Wall Street companies with a lot to lose or gain on political outcomes. So they’ll never tell you about these problems. #TheValentineConstitution
Wall Street agribusiness companies and their owners are big contributors to political campaigns. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits Wall Street CEOs and companies from financing candidates in return for favorable legislation, while your legislation gets put on the back burner.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits Wall Street CEOs and companies from giving politicians jobs after their terms in office in return for favorable legislation, while your legislation gets put on the back burner.
We enrich one group of Wall Street companies to poison our food and water and ruin our health, then enrich another group for drugs to cure the illnesses created. #TheValentineConstitution stops the stupidity.
Wall Street CEOS and companies are getting rich poisoning our food and water supply, so why would they stop? Ratify #TheValentineConstitution to stop it.
These money addicts poison our food supply to make more money than they can spend in generations who won’t even survive to spend it. Ratify #TheValentineConstitution to stop it.
Wall Street CEOs are so addicted to money that they are destroying their family’s ability to survive just to make another million they don’t even need! #TheValentineConstitution
Healing Tasty Organic Food
Organic farming is far more economical than chemical farming. #TheValentineConstitution
Great cooks and people who love God don’t serve fake food. #TheValentineConstitution
Would you rather live in pain or in comfort. #TheValentineConstitution
Would you rather pay the doctor of the farmer. #TheValentineConstitution
Food grown using toxic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides tastes horrible so they add, corn syrup, salt, fat and chemical flavors and enhancers to make it edible. #TheValentineConstitution
Commercial food would make you gag without all the chemical flavor enhancers, and corn syrup and salt and fats they add. #TheValentineConstitution
All the great chefs and foodies eat organic. All the rich people eat organic. All the poor people eat crap. Thank Wall Street, Ratify #TheValentineConstitution
All the great chefs and foodies eat organic. All the rich people eat organic. All the poor people eat crap courtesy of Wall Street. Ratify #TheValentineConstitution
Poor people can only afford the cheap, disease-causing junk food engineered to stimulate their taste buds courtesy of Wall Street. Ratify #TheValentineConstitution
None of the talented chefs use commercial ingredients. #TheValentineConstitution
Religious Food
There’s a reason all religions have strict organic food requirements. It’s wise and respectful of God’s creations. #TheValentineConstitution
If our great granddaddies rose up out of their graves they’d take us out back of the shed and whoop us for how we’ve desecrated God’s land and water. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution makes farming biblical again, in concert with God’s Eden.
Why would we use toxic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides when they kill the bees we need to pollinate our crops? Have we sold our souls to to the satanic greed of Wall Street? #TheValentineConstitution
No God fearing farmer uses fake fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. #TheValentineConstitution
Farmers who toxify God’s crops need to go to church. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution saves us from the wrath of God and mother nature who’ll soon punish us for desecrating Eden’s land and water.
Only spoiled children would choose to live on sugar. #TheValentineConstitution
People who love God and food don’t eat fake food. #TheValentineConstitution
God’s children should eat biblical food. #TheValentineConstitution
We can’t live off of nature if we destroy it with toxins. #TheValentineConstitution
The food of all Abrahamic religions is supposed to be organic. #TheValentineConstitution
True Christians eat only organic food. Biblical food is organic. #TheValentineConstitution
True Moslems eat only organic food. Halal food is supposed to be organic. #TheValentineConstitution
True Jews eat only organic food. Proper Kosher food is supposed to be organic. #TheValentineConstitution
No Toxic Food Importation
#TheValentineConstitution ensures that no toxic food is imported into the US.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the importation or sale of nonorganic or toxic foodstuffs.
#TheValentineConstitution ensures that companies don’t circumvent our organic farming laws by importing nonorganic or toxic products.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the importation of food containing or grown using toxic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, antibiotics, etc.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the importation or sale of commercial toxic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, antibiotics etc.
Crop and Breed Diversity
#TheValentineConstitution mandates crop and breed diversity to avoid food crises and species extinction.
#TheValentineConstitution mandates crop and breed diversity to avoid crises like the potato famine and the banana collapse.
#TheValentineConstitution mandates crop and breed diversity to allow us access to the unique healing properties of each species of plant and animal.
Species diversity is critical to our survival. #TheValentineConstitution
Species diversity is critical to our survival because they protect us against widespread disease, infestations, blights and crop failures. #TheValentineConstitution
Species diversity gives us options during blights or infestations, since not all types of a species are vulnerable and some types are immune. #TheValentineConstitution
Sustainable Ocean Fishing
Whalers, Fukushima, plastics, oil spills, pollutants all must be dealt with conclusively if the human race in general, and Americans in particular, are going to survive. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution requires that earth’s interconnected oceanic ecosystem be fished sustainably and organically, and empowers our Armed Forces to enforce the policy worldwide.
The Valentine Constitution requires that all of the oceans, being an interconnected ecosystem, be fished sustainably and organically, and empowers our Armed Forces to enforce this policy worldwide.
We must aggressively protect what’s left of our fisheries or end up with nothing. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prevents sinful CEO money addicts from destroying God’s Garden of Eden.
#TheValentineConstitution ensures that our fisheries are not decimated by algae created by nitrogen used to enhance crop yields.
All of the non-profit organizations with all of their fundraisers and all of their events with all of their literature and all of their volunteers and all of their important board meetings have failed for decades. #TheValentineConstitution
Not a single nonprofit in America has ever fulfilled its mission. Ratifying #TheValentineConstitution is the only thing that can save us.
All the non-profit organizations will continue to fail unless each and every one of them champions the ratification of #TheValentineConstitution in which case they will succeed and we can get down to the real work of implementation.
#TheValentineConstitution prevents amoral CEO money addicts from destroying nature.
As with any addict, you’re talking to the drug not a person. In Wall Street’s case, greed. Greed sees only money, not the future, not nature. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution makes sure nobody destroys the world’s fisheries.
#TheValentineConstitution enforces the organic sustainability of all oceans and seas worldwide.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits foreign companies from depleting our fisheries.
#TheValentineConstitution protects our national waters from overfishing, unsustainable fishing practices, and nonorganic fish farming.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits nitrogen used to enhance crop yields which runs off into our waterways creating algae that robs the water of oxygen killing our fish.
#TheValentineConstitution protects all of the earth’s oceans and seas from overfishing.
Human beings are officially an endangered species. Only #TheValentineConstitution can make all of this happen in time to save us.
Wall Street’s money addict CEOs are like all other addicts. Most don’t see the consequences, and the rest don’t care. #TheValentineConstitution