Direct to Market Capitalism
#TheValentineConstitution will provide direct free market access for consumer-producer-businesses all with equal power.
#TheValentineConstitution makes the internet a public utility and marketplace for all businesses and Citizens equally.
#TheValentineConstitution makes the internet an equally accessible public utility marketplace for ALL content: streaming, downloads, TV, radio, movie, sports, publishing, art etc.
#TheValentineConstitution eliminates wholesale-retail and to-the-trade-only lock outs.
Each Citizen will be their own business and have access equal to any size corporation. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution allows Citizens to use the internet on a level playing field with businesses.
#TheValentineConstitution provides a single sales platform free to sellers and buyers of goods and services, paid for out of the transaction tax.
#TheValentineConstitution makes the internet a public utility and marketplace for all Citizens to equally sell their goods and services.
The Valentine Constitution allows the cream to rise to the top in a direct-to-free-market economy.
#TheValentineConstitution makes the internet a public utility marketplace for ALL content.
#TheValentineConstitution makes the internet a public utility and open capitalist marketplace.
Unlimited Content 24/7
For $5 per internet connection per month we could all buy all entertainment content and watch it anytime we chose.
For $5 per internet connection per month we could have unlimited, ad-free content 24/7. Ratify The Valentine Constitution.
Just $5 per internet connection per month equals the worldwide take in entertainment revenues over the internet. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution will pay everyone who now makes and markets sports, books, music, TV and movies exactly what they are currently making for just $5 per month per connection, to give consumers unlimited, ad-free content 24/7.
#TheValentineConstitution establishes a royalty based compensation system allowing us to look at or listen to anything at any time without ads.
#TheValentineConstitution allows Citizens free 24/7 commercial free access to ALL internet content: streaming, downloads, TV, radio, movie, sports, publishing, art and other content.
Royalty Based Internet Content
#TheValentineConstitution royalty payment based compensation system will allow all content creators equal access to the marketplace.
Advertising will no longer interrupt search or shopping, nor be reflected in the price of products. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prevents the interruption of ads and their cost in product prices. So we don’t pay twice, for something we don’t even want.
#TheValentineConstitution royalty payment system omits the annoying ads and their costs now added to the price of our products.
Today we pay in time when ads interrupt our lives, and then we pay the costs of the ads cause they’re added to the product price. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution royalty payment system omits the gatekeepers and middlemen.
In much the same way ASCAP and BMI now track and pay music royalties, #TheValentineConstitution establishes a royalty based compensation system allowing us 24/7 ad-free access to all content.
#TheValentineConstitution royalty payment system establishes a truly capitalist online marketplace.
#TheValentineConstitution royalty payment system establishes a competitive free market economy.
#TheValentineConstitution establishes a royalty based content delivery system for content creators similar to what ASCAP and BMI now do in music.
#TheValentineConstitution royalty payment system allows the cream to rise to the top.
#TheValentineConstitution provides 24/7 unlimited free content for all paid for by royalties out of current usage fees.
#TheValentineConstitution royalty payment system establishes a truly competitive, truly capitalist, truly free market economy online.
No Intellectual Property Theft
It won’t be worth the hassle or the risk for a consumer to get around the sophisticated tracking of intellectual property just to avoid a $5/month charge. #TheValentineConstitution
There can be no intellectual property theft with everything free and usage triggering a royalty payment. #TheValentineConstitution
Since content usage will be tracked for royalty payments paid directly to content creators, cyber criminals can only make money offline, and then not much. #TheValentineConstitution
Cyber criminals cannot profit from content tracked by tags and audio and video footprints and paid directly to content creators. #TheValentineConstitution
Offline usage will be updated whenever any device is connected to the internet. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution thwarts theft of copyright content by companies, consumers and foreign countries.
#TheValentineConstitution government will ensure that artists and creators receive their royalty payments in their singe accounts.
With free content there’s nothing to steal, and with royalties, payments go directly to content creators. So the thief couldn’t even get paid. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution government will assist artists and inventors with registering their copyrights, trademarks and patents.
#TheValentineConstitution provides free content to all and royalties to compensate copyright content producers. With free content, there’s nothing to steal.
No Access Fees
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits fees for access or sales, except the single tax.
#TheValentineConstitution pays for access fees and distribution fees out of the transaction tax.
#TheValentineConstitution makes advertising and info sharing opt IN.
#TheValentineConstitution removes the gatekeepers and lets the cream rise to the top. Ratify #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prevents manipulative fees and practices that add to product cost.
#TheValentineConstitution removes the middlemen and distributors who frustrate access to our own internet and economy and then charge us for it! Ratify #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution eliminates access fees and distribution fees and advertising.
Search is Equal for All
#TheValentineConstitution removes profit motivated search rankings, and gives search filter control to users.
If you’re looking for jewelry makers in Miami, FILTERS by material, earrings, hoop, costume, color, price, etc will let you narrow your search, and find what you want. #TheValentineConstitution
If you’re looking for a shirt maker named Beth in Orlando, she will be at the top of the page, not buried under whatever shirt makers advertise on Google! #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution search engine will not put advertising customers in front of who and what a Citizen is searching for.
#TheValentineConstitution will have filters that get Citizens directly to what and whom they search for.
#TheValentineConstitution internet search engine will not frustrate search by basing rankings and filters based on advertising profits.
#TheValentineConstitution search engine will put buyers and sellers searching for each other at the top of the page.
Advertising and Privacy
#TheValentineConstitution eliminates advertising interruptions on its search engine and sales platform.
#TheValentineConstitution protects consumer privacy by making info collection and sharing opt IN.
#TheValentineConstitution will provide direct, ad-free search using filters to put searched (not ad) results first on pages and sales platforms.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits companies to collect and share our private information, unless the customer wants to or is enticed to with freebies.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits advertising on its internet buy and sell platform and search engine.
Advertising will no longer interrupt search or shopping, nor be reflected in the price of products. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution makes advertising opt IN.
Each Citizen’s single account information will be accessible only with the Citizen’s permission or by court order. #TheValentineConstitution
Each Citizen’s single account will be charged for internet transactions by the single bank with no sharing of information or invasion of privacy. #TheValentineConstitution
No Redundant Delivery Systems
#TheValentineConstitution separates fiber optic, cable, broadcast and satellite delivery systems by type for a faster, safer, cheaper system.
The 4 signal delivery “plants,” fiber optic, cable, broadcast and satellite, are redundant and costly to us, and money printers to them. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution eliminates costly, redundant delivery infrastructure.
Redundancy is an unnecessary cost for us, and easy money for them. #TheValentineConstitution
All 4 of our content delivery systems are government sanctioned monopolies, which in America should make them public utilities, except our politicians gave them away for a campaign contribution. #TheValentineConstitution
Any one plant is capable of doing the job, yet they have us paying for all four. #TheValentineConstitution
Why have 4 forms of content delivery but no choice of carrier? #TheValentineConstitution
Today we pay for 4 content delivery “plants”: cable, broadcast, satellite and phone, all monopolies which used to be and should again be public utilities. #TheValentineConstitution
All 4 of our content delivery systems are monopolies protected from competition using our airwaves! #TheValentineConstitution
No Internet Monopolies
Today customers pay 5 times for products and access to them: 1st for the product, 2nd for the distribution(not delivery), 3rd for the advertising, 4th for a payment fee, and 5th for redundant monopoly delivery system. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution has you pay only charge for a product since it eliminates the costs of redundant delivery systems, fees, middlemen and advertising.
Internet price tags include 4 costs: the product, shipping, distribution, and advertising. #TheValentineConstitution eliminates 3.
Every price tag includes 3 costs: the product, distribution, and advertising. #TheValentineConstitution eliminates 2.
#TheValentineConstitution allows Citizens to access ALL internet content, not just what monopolies want you to access.
#TheValentineConstitution prevents Wall Street corporations from controlling internet market access, market share and market exposure.
#TheValentineConstitution eliminates monopoly control over the internet and provides a free single sales platform for sellers and buyers, paid for by the transaction tax.
#TheValentineConstitution eliminates monopoly control over the internet.
No Middlemen or Gatekeepers
Middlemen and monopolies are robbing us of a chance to compete in our own internet marketplace. Ratify The Valentine Constitution
#TheValentineConstitution removes the gatekeepers and lets the cream rise to the top. Ratify #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution eliminates the TV, cable, radio and internet “gate-keeper” monopolies who dictate that their entertainment content gets exposure while all other content get buried.
The cost to pay everyone who makes and markets sports, books, music, TV and movies exactly what they are currently making is just $5 per month per internet connection. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution allows Citizens to access ALL internet content, not just what gatekeepers want you to access.
#TheValentineConstitution eliminates the middlemen and gatekeepers who now control our internet marketplace.
#TheValentineConstitution eliminates gatekeepers and middlemen, allowing Citizens free market access paid for out of the transaction tax.
Middlemen, controlled by the monopolies, in turn control access to our marketplace. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits monopolies, middlemen, gatekeepers, or their fees.
No Compulsory License
The singer or band who has spent years writing songs to get that one hit will be protected by #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits competitors and businesses and the news from using a song, or a portion of a song, without permission.
#TheValentineConstitution eliminates the compulsory license so the song’s creator can benefit from their own creation without others stealing it.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the compulsory license and the unauthorized use or sampling of music.
A hit song can launch a career, but the compulsory license takes that opportunity away from the song’s creator. That doesn’t happen under #TheValentineConstitution
Today somebody else can sing or record your song and get famous off of it without your permission! All they have to do is pay you a trifle. #TheValentineConstitution
Today somebody else can get famous off of your song without your permission! It’s called the compulsory license. #TheValentineConstitution
In the past royalties from records were huge, but today live performance, fame and endorsements is where all the money is, so #TheValentineConstitution eliminates the compulsory license.