Hard and Soft Crime Agencies
#TheValentineConstitution soft crimes department will handle misdemeanors like drunk and disorderly, obscenity, petty theft, domestic violence and restraining order violations.
#TheValentineConstitution soft crimes department consists of Social Peacemaker units with one unarmed paid social worker and one local volunteer who will calmly discuss the problem, and offer deals, programs and solutions.
#TheValentineConstitution soft crimes Social Peacemakers are conflict resolution experts who dispense programs instead of jail time and fines.
#TheValentineConstitution Social Peacemakers help petty criminals get their lives in order.
#TheValentineConstitution volunteer Peacemakers working events, marches and protests will supply info, guidance and directions, and alert attendees as to what’s allowed and what’s not.
#TheValentineConstitution Citizen volunteer Peacemakers working events, marches and protests will coordinate with State Guards to keep things peaceful and flowing.
#TheValentineConstitution Peacemakers will guide people at events, marches and protests while State Guards embed and protect marchers, properties and attendees from troublemaking agitators.
#TheValentineConstitution State Guards embed with marchers and guard property to protect good people from bad actor agitator anarchists.
#TheValentineConstitution State Guards protect peaceable assemblers and property owners from bad actors who infiltrate marches and protests.
#TheValentineConstitution State Guards handle all emergency relief, all fire, paramedics, traffic and crowds including large events, protests and marches.
#TheValentineConstitution provides criss-cross checks and balances in law enforcement.
The Social Peacemakers, hard crimes units, and State Guards all check and balance each other.
#TheValentineConstitution establishes two separate law enforcement agencies each with one national chain of command and Citizen oversight.
#TheValentineConstitution establishes a hard crimes and a soft crimes department with Citizen oversight and body cams required.
#TheValentineConstitution hard crimes department will handle homicide, armed robbery, human trafficking, prostitution, rape, burglary, fraud, racketeering, organized crime and aggravated assault.
#TheValentineConstitution single national hard crimes department eliminates corruption, dangerous investigation overlap, and competition for collars, and centralizes information and resource sharing.
#TheValentineConstitution hard crimes detectives will be armed and backed up by unarmed in-office logistical and analytical teams for checks and balances.
#TheValentineConstitution eliminates overlap of jurisdictions and responsibilities for law enforcement agencies.
#TheValentineConstitution eliminates most misdemeanor jailings and fines that cause missed work, missed paychecks, firings, evictions, repossessions, homelessness, divorce and orphaning.
#TheValentineConstitution requires that the first 90 days of any prison sentence be boot camp.
Boot camp programs for criminals are in use and have been proven to reduce recidivism by a statistic shattering 80%. #TheValentineConstitution
Criminal boot camp is the first ever program to significantly reduce recidivism. #TheValentineConstitution requires
#TheValentineConstitution requires convicted criminals to repay the costs of their incarceration.
#TheValentineConstitution further requires prisons to be self- sufficient to reduce or hopefully eliminate how much taxpayers lend to prisoners for their prison stays.
#TheValentineConstitution will force criminals from rival gangs to share cells to force them to grow up and accept others, a skill they’ll need on the outside.
Criminals from rival gangs will be made to share cells and to work together to pay the prison’s bills since #TheValentineConstitution requires prisons be self-suficient.
Inmates will be better behaved and even police themselves to reduce the cost of guards needed to keep them in line. #TheValentineConstitution
Inmates will be forced to get along with those they don’t like and deal with economic and work realities like the rest of us, and be better prepared to succeed on the outside. #TheValentineConstitution