12 Year Total Term Limit
There’s a reason 80% of Americans favor 12 year term limits. Ratify The Valentine Constitution.
Unbeatable politicians are free to do as they please, unaccountable, corrupt and complacent. #TheValentineConstitution 12 year term limits dethrones them.
Allowing politicians to stay in office for decades facilitates corruption. #TheValentineConstitution
Unbeatable career politicians are rewarded for doing nothing, #TheValentineConstitution 12 year term limits remove do-nothing cronies.
Living isolated celebrity lifestyles, career politicians are incapable of real world solutions. #TheValentineConstitution12 year term limits replaces out of touch politicians.
#TheValentineConstitution 12 year term limits dethrone unbeatable career politicians insulated in a world of political gamesmanship and isolated from the realities of their constituents.
Complacent career politicians are distanced from real world problems and incapable of solving them. We need #TheValentineConstitution
Career politicians are more concerned with their re-election problems than our everyday problems. We need #TheValentineConstitution 12 year term limits.
Gerrymandering means drawing election borders to ensure a win for one side or the other, so smug politicians can do as they please or not much at all. #TheValentineConstitution 12 year term limits removes them after 12 years.
It’s harder and harder for new candidates to unseat our out of touch insulated career politicians. We need #TheValentineConstitution
Gerrymandering results in a 90% re-election rate assuring politicians of decades in office. #TheValentineConstitution 12 year term limits removes them after 12 years.
The 90% re-election rate allows career politicians to do as they please, so they become complacent. #TheValentineConstitution 12-year term limit eliminate complacency and cronyism.
The 90% re-election rate makes career politicians unbeatable and therefore unaccountable for decades. #TheValentineConstitution 12 year term limits ends that.
#TheValentineConstitution limits to 12 years the total length of time any elected official can serve in any one office.
4 Year Lower House Terms
2 year term politicians use most of their 2 years in office to get re-elected rather than to govern. We need The Valentine Constitution.
2-year lower house terms put our elected officials in constant campaign and pay back mode. #TheValentineConstitution stops it.
#TheValentineConstitution doubles the 2-year lower house term to avoid constant campaigning.
2 year term politicians are constantly in campaign and pay back mode. #TheValentineConstitution keeps them working.
#TheValentineConstitution 4 year terms stops the constant electioneering and allows our elected officials to focus on governing.
2-year term politicians are more concerned with their re-election problems than our everyday problems. #TheValentineConstitution 4 year terms prevent that.
2 year term politicians no sooner take office than are on the campaign trail again. #TheValentineConstitution 4-year term limit for representatives and assemblymen stops the constant campaigning.
2 year term politicians must constantly raise money from special interests and influence legislation for them. #TheValentineConstitution 4 year terms prevent that.
#TheValentineConstitution 4 year term limit takes elected officials out of constant campaign and pay back mode.
We don’t want politicians whose primary job is re-election and their part time job is governing. We need #TheValentineConstitution
The governing of 2 year term politicians is constantly distracted by re-election considerations. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution ends re-election governance.