Food and Farming

Food and Farming


The Valentine Constitution prohibits monoculture farming, growth hormones, unnecessary animal pharma, and the synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides that are poisoning our water and food supply and killing the bees and insects who pollinate our crops, without whom food cannot grow. All those chemicals additionally run off with the rainwater and irrigation water. Nitrogen used to enhance crop yields creates algae blooms in our rivers, lakes and oceans which rob the water of oxygen, killing all the fish. Additional chemicals from cleaners, paints, adhesives, solvents and ground-down plastics are absorbed into the foods we consume causing cancer and illness and costing us billions in health care, lost job hours and the death of loved ones.

Toxic farming is not even cost effective anymore. Organic farming is cheaper, more nutritious, and tastier without all the synthetic taste enhancers. Under The Valentine Constitution all farming will be organic. Toxins will be eliminated from our food, air and water. Honey bees and other pollinators will stop dying. We’ll have Godly ecosystems, thriving food chains, and pain free lives.

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Valentine put all our issues into one piece of national legislation.

90% of Americans can get what we want most by compromising on issues we care less about.

We can now combine our power behind a single common goal and finally get what we’ve wanted for decades.

The amendments clause of our current constitution allows us to dictate solutions to our politicians and force them to vote on it.

Valentine spent 50,000 hours over 45 years adding solutions to all the modern problems our old Constitution fails to cover while keeping 90%, our foundations and rights intact.

All the information is bite-size, spoon-fed and shareable in 3 clicks on The Valentine Constitution app and site, the world’s largest political website.

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