The armed hard crimes department will be Federally run and deal with major white and blue collar crimes like homicide, armed robbery, burglary, rape, fraud, racketeering, organized crime and the like. One agency with one national chain of command will eliminate local corruption, competition for collars and the dangerous overlap of investigation, while their supporting unarmed in-office logistical and analytical teams will act as checks and balances.
The unarmed soft crimes department will be State run and community oriented. An unarmed paid social worker and a local volunteer will handle misdemeanor type crimes. They will calmly discuss the cause of the problem, and offer deals, programs and solutions to perpetrators and victims.
The State Guards will handle fire, paramedics, traffic and crowds. During marches and protests, they will protect property and embed with protesters to remove bad apple anarchists who get violent or destructive to people or property.
All field personnel will wear body cameras whenever on duty. Arrestees can contest an arrest free of charge in Review Court. Any officer making more than 3 arrests without convictions will be disciplined by the courts. All policing will be under Citizen oversight. Criminals will be required to pay the costs of their crime, arrest, incarceration, and their victims’ losses.
* * * * *
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