


The Valentine Constitution prohibits the exportation of fresh water, and products or crops requiring or containing copious amounts of fresh water. Here’s why.

Our Great Lakes contain 1/5 of the world’s fresh water; Lake Baikal, site of the Russian Olympics, 1/5; the Amazon River, 2/5; leaving the other 7 billion people to fight over the remaining 1/5 of the world’s fresh water! Nothing humans can do will prevent the death of 5 billion people from thirst and starvation over the next 20 years.

Irrigation wells are now deeper than 5,000 feet because our aquifer levels have dropped to 1/3 of their natural state and can no longer replenish themselves. Gas fracturing uses and contaminates vast amounts of water with drilling chemicals, then also contaminates the water in our aquifers when exploding the shale. Foreign tankers are sucking water out of our Great Lakes. Bottling companies are exporting water from our springs and lakes and rivers. Wall Street agribusiness is exporting our water in the form of crops. None are paying us anything for our water. All are making huge profits and spend heavily on lobbying and campaign contributions to keep the gravy train rolling.

Our water belongs to all Citizens. It is not a Wall Street commodity to be traded for profits at the expense of our very survival. Water is everybody’s #1 problem, but our press and politicians aren’t even talking about it, because they’re both owned by Wall Street.

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Valentine put all our issues into one piece of national legislation.

90% of Americans can get what we want most by compromising on issues we care less about.

We can now combine our power behind a single common goal and finally get what we’ve wanted for decades.

The amendments clause of our current constitution allows us to dictate solutions to our politicians and force them to vote on it.

Valentine spent 50,000 hours over 45 years adding solutions to all the modern problems our old Constitution fails to cover while keeping 90%, our foundations and rights intact.

All the information is bite-size, spoon-fed and shareable in 3 clicks on The Valentine Constitution app and site, the world’s largest political website.

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