Add these in any order to any email
They also make good tweets
Includes all issues in one piece of national legislation in a deal that puts everyone at the negotiating table.
Gets 90% of Americans what they’ve wanted for decades by compromising on issues they care less about.
Allows underpowered voters, celebrities, nonprofits and causes of all kinds to combine power and dictate solutions to the politicians who’ve failed us.
Adds nonpartisan solutions to all the modern problems our old Constitution fails to cover while keeping 90% of our old Constitution, foundations and rights intact.
Unites America behind a single common goal, ratification, to finally fulfill ALL their missions at once.
Uses the amendments clause to bring the matter to a vote.
If celebrities tell their followers; nonprofits, their members; and voters, their friends and families, the polling numbers will force candidates to vote for ratification or not be (re)elected.
The Valentine Constitution info is spoon-fed in bite sized explanations on the largest political site and app on earth.
If candidates, nonprofits or marches could solve our problems, they would have by now. We need to try something new, before it’s too late.
Even if your wish list of candidates were elected, what legislation will they pass? They’re too polarized, and stalemated, even within parties, to solve any problems.
Pick any modern issue; our old Constitution fails to solve the problem or even address the issue!
Our current Constitution permits Wall Street monopolies to control our politicians, government and treasury for the price of a campaign contribution.
They’re Not YOUR Candidates
Your candidates support special interests over yours.
Unites the left, right and center behind mutually acceptable common sense solutions.
The Valentine Constitution’s provisions are common sense, real world, nonpartisan solutions to problems we’ve neglected for a century!
To get what you want it must first be written as legislation, then voted on, and have enough votes to pass.
It’s already written, ready to be voted on, national legislation that puts all Citizens at the negotiating table and covers all issues.
Passing piece by piece all the legislation we need would take too long, even if politicians could agree. It took Valentine 50,000 hours over 45 years.
An independently wealthy straight A student who skipped 11th grade spent 50,000 hours over 45 years to create TVC, more hours than collectively went into our current Constitution.
Like our founders, Valentine pledged his life and fortune to our democracy.
Valentine spent $5 million and 50,000 hours over 45 years researching and finding solutions to our problems.
Valentine is the first person in over 200 years to modernize our Constitution.
This is an historic document that warrants a serious look.
We live in a fairytale where we squander dwindling resources, take no responsibility, and are headed for disaster. Instead of focusing on our mutual problems, we’re going to the game or shopping as though everything’s fine. That’s idealistic.
The Valentine Constitution is our last opportunity to save our children, our jobs, our culture and our species.
Marches and protests have failed for decades! The 2 million women’s march in DC was the largest political gathering in the history of the world, yet nothing’s changed!
The recent race marches have failed to deliver any legislation.
If marches and protests were going to solve our problems, they would have by now.
Alone, nonprofits, celebrities and billionaires have lacked the power to fulfill their missions.
Underpowered nonprofits, celebrities and billionaires will finally have the power they need to dictate play to candidates who have failed and will continue to fail us.
Nonprofits lack the power they need to fulfill their missions independently.
You’ve spent a lot of time not getting what you want; why not spend 10 minutes on something that can actually get the job done?
Once this constitution is ratified, nonprofits can finally get down to the more important work of implementation.
To get the ball rolling, a celebrity, billionaire or nonprofit need only ask about The Valentine Constitution in an interview or a tweet, without even endorsing it. Risk nothing, just put it in play.
The Valentine Constitution is already written, ready to be voted on, inclusive, national legislation with plenty of popular support to demand that politicians either vote for it or not be (re)elected.
The Valentine Constitution gives us all a deal we can live with, and the power to ratify it.
The left, right and center can all focus on the same thing, ratification, to get our legislatures working again, on the changes we want.
The solutions to our issues are not mutually exclusive as our divided stalemated legislatures suggest.
The Valentine Constitution book is being translated into Spanish, Arabic and Mandarin for countries actively seeking new constitutions.
Example of an initial pitch for a volunteer.
Valentine put what most nonprofits and celebrities want into one piece of national legislation. So we can now all team up behind a single common goal and fulfill all our missions together at once.
You and me and 90% of Americans will finally get what we want most while compromising on issues we care less about.
Valentine spent 50,000 hours and $5 mil over 40 years finding solutions to all the modern problems our old Constitution fails to cover while keeping 90%, our foundations and rights intact.
The legislation is already written, the amendments clause of our current constitution allows us to bring it to a vote, and the votes are there to pass it.
The only thing needed is for those with large memberships and followings to put it out there so the nation can scrutinize it. No need to endorse it or spend any money, just let it take the test. It’ll pass with flying colors.
The Valentine Constitution is the only thing that can save us and our loved ones in time. Without it, we’ll all face the disastrous destiny that awaits us.
If politicians, galas and marches were going to solve our problems, they would have by now. It’s time to try something new, before it’s too late.
All the hard work’s been done. It’s all bite-sized, spoon-fed and shareable in 3 clicks on the world’s largest largest political site and app. All you have to do is click your mouse a few times.
You’ve spent a lot of time not getting what you want; why not spend 10 minutes on something that can actually get the job done?
A constitution is the most powerful human instrument on earth. Few have been authored, and none are as fair or as painstaking or as genius as this one; just talk to the author, Valentine, an independently wealthy straight A student who skipped 11th grade and spent $5 mil and 50,000 hours over 45 years to create it. This is an historic document that warrants a serious look.
A straight A student who skipped 11th grade, Valentine spent 50,000 over 45 years writing this inclusive legislation which represents the left, right and center to the negotiating table and unites America behind a common sense deal that gets you what you want most while you compromise on issues you care less about, something our politicians have been unable to do. It allows nearly all voters, nonprofits and celebrities to combine their considerable resources behind a single common goal: RATIFICATION.
Like our forbearers, Valentine is a philanthropist who spent most of his life and fortune solving our country’s problems. Keeping 90% of our current Constitution’s foundations, rights and freedoms intact, his new constitution ends the divisiveness that has stalemated our legislatures by allowing Citizens to rally around common sense solutions to our problems. You’ll get what you want most, and compromise on what’s less important to you, something our politicians have been unwilling to do.
Valentine is a philanthropist like our forbearers who spent his fortune and most of his life creating The Valentine Constitution and now needs likeminded people to advance his candidacy for President in 2024. Since the executive branch is in charge of implementing a new constitution, its author is most suitable for the job. The platform is so popular I’m sure we will handily succeed. Welcome and thank you.
VALENTINE is an American political philosopher who has devoted his life to the research and analysis of social, political, governmental and interpersonal problems in an attempt to find effective solutions. The complications of government and economics, like the contradictions of the tax code, made Valentine realize that all our problems are related, so all the solutions must be related. The more complicated it all got, the more simple the solutions became, for the complications were borne of corruption that disrupts the level playing field capitalism requires to function while the solutions were borne of a truth unaffected by shady politics like voodoo economics, utopian bailouts and negative interest rates. Valentine’s nuts and bolts approach to reality yields a simpler, more efficient, happier, more productive world.
see also our PRESS KIT
Consensus is king
Allows previously underpowered voters, nonprofits and celebrities to COMBINE POWER behind a single common goal, RATIFICATION, to fulfill all your missions at once.
Allows underpowered voters, nonprofits and celebrities to combine their power behind a single common goal, RATIFICATION, to fulfill all their missions together.
Get what you want politically by combining your power behind a single common goal: RATIFICATION, to fulfill all missions at once.
A straight A student who skipped 11th grade, Valentine spent 50,000 hours over 45 years writing inclusive legislation which unites the left, right and center behind a common sense deal that gets you what you want most while you compromise on the rest, something our politicians have been unable to do. It allows nearly all voters, nonprofits and celebrities to combine their considerable resources behind a single common goal: RATIFICATION.
A straight A student who skipped 11th grade, Valentine spent 50,000 hours over 45 years writing inclusive legislation which represents the left, right and center to the negotiating table and unites America behind a common sense deal that gets you what you want most while you compromise on the rest, something our politicians have been unable to do. It allows nearly all voters, nonprofits and celebrities to combine their considerable resources behind a single common goal: RATIFICATION.
And all you have to do is say you want it. Polling will tell our politicians to vote for it or not be (re)elected. Use the app or the site to share and get others to spread the word.
Our only way out of this mess is to dictate play to those who run our country, our economy and our media, those who have done very well off of our problems and have had no incentive to solve anything.
Keeping 90% of our current constitution, foundations and rights intact, The Valentine Constitution adds solutions to fix all the persistent modern problems our politicians, nonprofits and protests have repeatedly failed to solve. If they could have solved our problems, they would have by now. The solutions to our issues are not mutually exclusive as our divided stalemated legislatures suggest. They’re just not smart or creative enough, and they haven’t put in near the amount of time required.
The Valentine Constitution keeps 90% of our current constitution, foundations and rights intact, so don’t get all defensive about our constitution. It was written 240 years ago; give it a break. Keeping our foundations and rights intact, The Valentine Constitution simply adds solutions to fix all the modern problems our old Constitution, politicians, nonprofits and protests have repeatedly failed to solve. If they could have solved our problems, they would have by now. The solutions to our issues are not mutually exclusive as our divided stalemated legislatures suggest. They’re just not smart or creative enough, and they haven’t put in near the time required.
The Valentine Constitution brings the left, right and center to the negotiating table and unites America behind a common sense deal that gets you what you want most while you compromise on the rest, something our politicians have been unable to do. Well now it’s your turn. We’re all going to find out what each other’s made of.
Nonprofits lack the power they need to fulfill their missions independently.
All of the non profit organizations with all of their fundraisers and all of their events with all of their literature and all of their volunteers and all of their important board meetings over all of the decades have failed. Their missions have not been fulfilled. And they will continue to fail unless each and every one of them champions the ratification of The Valentine Constitution, in which case they will succeed and we can get down to the real work of implementation.
Nonprofits can’t do it alone. Neither can the celebrities and concerned billionaires. As powerful as they are, they’re underpowered. After spending lots of time and money, they’ve been unable to get what we want for decades. Spending less, they’ll get more with TVC.
Alone, nonprofits and celebrities and concerned billionaires lack the power to fulfill their missions. But together they’d have all the power they need. If they each put what they want into a single piece of national legislation, then teamed up to pass it, they could all fulfill their missions together at once.
Most don’t even have any legislation written, OR the power to bring legislation to a vote, OR the votes needed to pass it.
Combining resources behind a common goal will empower most nonprofits, causes, movements and concerned Citizens to fulfill their missions by focusing on one thing: ratification, the simplest message in politics. Getting people to want what they already want is easy. Making them aware of it is the only obstacle. The simple endorsement of a celebrity or a few large nonprofits is the only spark needed for The Valentine Constitution to find its thirsty audience. 90% of Citizens will quickly find that it contains what they have wanted for decades.
Most of our electorate want the one provision they’ve sought for years, and are willing to compromise on lesser issues to get it, unlike our candidates, to get it. Keeping our rights, freedoms and form of government intact, Valentine’s modernized constitution creates a coalition of women, blacks, LGBTs and environmental folks on the left, and anti-tax, anti-compliance and pro transparent, accountable, deficit-free government folks on the right, and many others. 90% of our electorate will gladly take this deal to get what they want most.
In order for your mission or cause to become law, it must first be written, then voted on, then must have enough votes to pass. The Valentine Constitution is already written legislation giving the left, right and center what they want most while compromising on their secondary issues. Our issues are NOT mutually exclusive. It ends the divide and unites America behind common sense solutions to modern problems not covered by our current 240 year old Constitution.
Nothing is more weakening than the ineffective bickering that has divided us into uncompromising political camps incapable of solving problems. Nothing is more powerful than a nonpartisan constitution which solves all our problems so that we may get on with our lives in a peaceful cordial manner, and team up in the fight for the survival of our planet and our species.
Nature will not wait long before cutting off the food supplies we’ve not been responsible enough to properly care for. Our survival hangs in the balance by the clock that ticks down to the time the wrath of Nature and God are upon us. We will have raped the Garden of Eden ’til we die like the folks on Easter Island unless we resolve decades of neglect today.
All the moves have been considered and all the moves are checkmate. The specious arguments of corrupt misleaders who thrive on the divide are preempted by nuts and bolts common sense solutions they could not come up with because they don’t care enough to even try. The flawed characters of the corrupt and greedy, and the managers and messengers who do their bidding, will be revealed. The law and the fine print is on our side this time.
FOR 10,000 YEARS
Since the beginning of recorded history, a very few powerful greedy people have had their way with the rest of us. Somehow they managed to divide us, not just the 90%, but the 99.9% who have been bullied into submission. TVC ends “might makes right” once and for all. It opens up the lines of communication that heal all wounds and stop destructive behavior. Problems have divided us, solutions will unite us.
Putting the people at the negotiating table for the first time, with their own legislative deal on the table, The Valentine Constitution empowers voters to dictate to politicians to ratify it or not be (re)elected. Just say you want it and polling will convince the politicians, mobilize all the nonprofits already dedicated to these provisions, and motivate all the sports, music and movie stars who support them. Just spread the word to team up behind ratification.
Even if all of your candidates get elected, what legislation would they pass? Candidates are too polarized and stalemated, both between and within parties, to pass all the legislation needed to solve our many problems, and how long would it take them? How much longer will you wait, hoping your government, politicians, scientists or Wall Street solves your problems when they haven’t yet, and have incentives NOT TO? Unless we dictate play, our problems will never be solved.
Ratifying The Valentine Constitution is the only way you’re going to to get what you want. If candidates, nonprofits, celebrities, fundraising, marches and awareness campaigns were going to solve our problems, they would have by now. They’ve failed for decades to get any meaningful legislation passed. There is a huge difference between a desire to get something done and legislation with a bill number and an upcoming vote, something few manage to achieve. When you’ve spent your life crying out for others to do something, make sure you realize when someone answers your prayers. That person will have carefully worded legislation, a forum for a vote and the votes to pass it. If it’s the traditional way, our corrupted politicians will refuse to pass the legislation because they get campaign money from special interests to not bring it to the floor for a vote or to vote no, then give you some defensible reason, because voters do not penalize them. 90% of elected officials are reelected!
The Valentine Constitution not only puts all voters at the negotiating table but allows them to dictate play to our politicians by teaming up behind a single piece of national legislation which includes all our issues and uses the amendments clause of our Constitution to bring it to a vote. The politicians will follow the voters’ lead this time as the nation discusses what you want how you want it in the mother of all deals in the form of a constitution which keeps 90% of our old one intact while adding solutions to all the modern problems our old Constitution doesn’t even cover. These provisions are backed by a vast number of left, right and center supporters willing to compromise on issues they care less about in order to get what they’ve wanted for decades. By combining their power, voters, celebrities, concerned billionaires, nonprofits and causes whose can now force politicians to to ratify it or not be re-elected. Parties and politicians make their platform and policy decisions in response to polling which tells them how the voter will vote. Simply SAYING that you support The Valentine Constitution will secure the votes needed.
Nothing is more weakening than the ineffective bickering that has divided us into uncompromising political camps incapable of solving problems. Nothing is more powerful than inclusive nonpartisan legislation which solves all our problems so that we can get on with our lives in a peaceful cordial manner.
The Valentine Constitution is the edifying “grand bargain” that our Congressman and Senators talked about all those years Valentine was actually working on it. They failed to deliver because they can’t think outside the swamp. They lack the intellect, the creativity, the objectivity and the work ethic. Speeches and soundbites, marketing and advertising, and money and power have all failed to solve the many, varied, intertwined problems of our Gordian knot of a country. Cutting it in half by dividing our nation is cheating on democracy and has gotten us what Alexander got, conflict. Instead Valentine took four decades to patiently unravel then reweave our issues into the conscientious social fabric of a supportive modern constitution. Only Valentine could ever have pulled this off. As with any deal, it requires the compromise we’ve been demanding of our politicians. You won’t get everything you want; but you’ll get what you want most. IF you take the time to understand it all, you’ll want to do this deal. If you don’t have the time, then be selfish like everybody else and take it cause it gets you what you want.
The Valentine Constitution is the grand bargain for the left, right and center. It appeals to the common ground occupied by 2/3 of Americans who want to “go in a different direction”. Who are they? A coalition who could demand the immediate ratification of The Valentine Constitution: all the environmental non profits, tax averse groups, women who have yet to get their equal rights and equal pay provision, likewise LGBTs and #BlackLivesMatter, along with anti big-government groups, election and campaign finance reformers, anti-lobbying and anti-special interest groups, term limits proponents, folks who want jobs and a living minimum wage, a realistic education for kids and job skills for adults. Even disparate camps like old Occupy and Tea party types both want a level capitalist playing field. Trump and Bernie supporters are both anti-establishment. While the leaders from the two sides thrive on divide and conquer, the people suffer because gerrymandered districts guarantee the re-election of 90 percent of sitting Congressman and Senators. So candidacy cannot succeed as a strategy. But combining power and focusing it on a single common goal can. Political power comes from workable coalitions and this one is powerful enough to literally demand the immediate ratification of a new constitution which fulfills all their missions and solves all our modern problems while keeping our old Constitution’s foundations intact.
The Valentine Constitution is one big systemic solution to our systemic problems as explained in the world’s largest political website and app, a print book, eBook, iBook, an interview, audiobook videos, op-eds, pamphlets, etc if you wish to spend a modicum of time on your democracy, your survival, and the survival of your loved ones.
Keeping 90% of our current constitution, foundations and rights intact, The Valentine Constitution simply adds solutions to fix all the persistent modern problems our politicians, nonprofits and protests have repeatedly failed to solve. If they could have solved our problems, they would have by now. The solutions to our issues are not mutually exclusive as our divided stalemated legislatures suggest. They’re just not smart or creative enough, and they haven’t put in near the amount of time required.
A straight A student who skipped 11th grade, Valentine spent 50,000 hours over 45 years writing this inclusive legislation which unites the left, right and center behind a common sense deal that gets you what you want most while you compromise on issues you care less about, something our politicians have been unable to do. It allows nearly all voters, nonprofits and celebrities to combine their considerable resources behind a single common goal: RATIFICATION.
And all you have to do is say you want it. Polling will tell our politicians to vote for it or not be (re)elected. Our only way out of this mess is to dictate play to those who run our country, our economy and our media, those who have done very well off of our problems and have had no incentive to solve anything.
Use the app or the site to share and get others to spread the word.
For Staunch defenders of our old Constitution
The Valentine Constitution keeps 90% of our current constitution intact, so don’t get all defensive about our constitution. It was written 240 years ago, give it a break. Keeping our foundations and rights intact, The Valentine Constitution simply adds solutions to fix all the modern problems our politicians, nonprofits and protests have repeatedly failed to solve. If they could have solved our problems, they would have by now. The solutions to our issues are not mutually exclusive as our divided stalemated legislatures suggest. They’re just not smart or creative enough, and they haven’t put in near the time required.
The Valentine Constitution brings the left, right and center to the negotiating table and unites America behind a common sense deal that gets you what you want most while you compromise on the rest, something our politicians have been unable to do. Well, now it’s your turn. We’re all going to find out what each other’s made of.
There has been an effort underway for over a decade to hold a constitutional convention. They have enough votes in all but three states so far. What they lack is something to ratify. Keeping 90% of our structure, foundations and rights intact, The Valentine Constitution adds solutions to all the modern problems our old Constitution fails to address. While we don’t need the convention because the amendments clause of our Constitution permits the adoption by a 2/3rds vote of the US House and Senate, and a majority vote of the legislatures of 38 states, state Constitutional Conventions could replace the state legislatures. The legislature route only requires people to want it enough to force legislatures to vote for it or not be (re)elected.
The Constitutional Convention will require written legislation to vote on, and it better be nonpartisan and a deal enough voters can agree on. The Valentine Constitution is such nonpartisan legislation, and already written, the product of 50,000 hours of work over 45 years, not the product of a few weekend warrior amateurs slinging something together in a month or two while they also deal with the politics of a long drawn out convention. It takes a pro a lifetime. Valentine has more hours on his constitution than all the collective hours that went into Madison’s, our current Constitution. He was a straight A student who skipped 11th grade and is creative in 5 industries.
The Valentine Constitution keeps 90% of Madison’s intact including Mason’s Bill of Rights and our other amendments while organizing its disgracefully disorganized and out of order provisions, omitting repealed amendments and overridden provisions, clarifying unclear provisions like right to bear arms, and adding brilliant nonpartisan solutions to all the modern problems the ancient document fails to cover.
Valentine’s additions amount to amendments organized into our current Constitution. We lack the time for piecemeal legislation. Even if your wish list of candidates were elected, what legislation would they pass? They’re too polarized, and stalemated, even within parties, to solve any problems. And they’re too beholden to the special interests who finance their campaigns and give them cushy jobs after their terms in office or as department heads. And how long would it take them if they tried? It took Valentine, a creative straight A student who skipped 11th grade, 50,000 hours over 45 years to create his solutions. You can’t do this in a quick 6 months of hard nonpartisan work, and will never get it. It takes decades. That’s why Jefferson was called upon to author our Declaration and Madison our current Constitution.
Valentine put in the hours. No one else has.
Thankfully all the hard work’s been done. Thankfully the framers authorized ways to ratify it. Hopefully a divided people can trust again, if only in getting what they want most and giving a little ground on issues they care less about. Most citizens like to believe they will answer the call, but so far have not, probably because nothing that has called them makes sense. Well it does now. Take the deal or live with consequences of passing on it. If Mother Nature doesn’t get you, God will, for destroying our Garden of Eden.
TVC PITCH Points SCHEDULER of Meetings
BEFORE you call, send an email with Press Kit and the inkwell of the issues they care about and tell them you will be calling.
Have the handler and client or manager and chef’s NAMES handy – KNOW whom Valentine has spoken to – it should be in the CRM.
When you call have an email standing by to send immediately if they ask so you can say “I just sent it; did you get it?” and get back to your question: What’s the best day and time of day for the person to meet? First establish time of day THEN set the date.
I am Mr. Valentine’s Scheduler.
Valentine has already spoken to [NAME OF CHEF AND MANAGER] who said they want to do this meeting at the restaurant. I’m just calling to ask you what is the best day and time of day for the chef? Since we’re going to be working around the chef’s schedule.
Hello, my name is _______.
I’m calling to find out the best day and time of day for [CHEF NAME] to meet Valentine and a few nonprofit leaders and a farmer or two. Both Valentine and the chef want it short, has 30 minutes, and the chef can be there for only 15 minutes if busy. That’s what the discussed.
What’s the best day and time of day for the chef to meet
– between lunch and dinner?
– on a Sunday or a Monday?
Valentine was in and spoke to the chef and the manager a month or so ago when he was in town and they were all over it. Valentine back in town now and wants to proceed. What’s the best day and time of day for the chef?
TVC takes out the middle man and lets chefs and farmers deal directly with each other to each save 24% on what they’re paying now, and allow the chef to order specific vegetables even seeds to better fit his cuisine.
It allows high school students to apprentice and for the chefs to mentor them. It saves out environment from the toxins and the harsh farming insecticides and food additives. They are all on the same page and want to meet for fifteen minutes cause now they all get what they want if The Valentine Constitution passes.
TVC Pitch Points for PHONE CALLERS
WHO are YOU?
I’m an interested 3rd party who wants to get Valentine and your client to talk over the phone so we can get what we want finally.
Hello [HANDLER],
I found a guy who has the answers to all our political problems. Everything your client and you and I want. He doesn’t need money – he’s independently wealthy. He doesn’t need any kind of endorsement. We’re not helping him; HE’s helping US. I’m not qualified to pitch the thing. He can tell your client better than I can.
He has agreed to a phone call.
When is your client free for 5 minutes?
Handler Objections
just get the phone call or meeting
Valentine has a way to get your client what he and they have wanted politically for decades, and you’re telling me your client doesn’t want to take this call?
And you’re making that decision for your client when this is the thing that’ll get her/him what he/she has always wanted?!
Why keep from your client what your client wants?
Your client has been wanting this since forever and now she finally has a way to get it right in front of her and you’re going to deny her that opportunity to reach out and take it?
What candidates and fundraisers and marches have failed to get.
Your client has spent a LOT of time on this issue, why not spend 10 minutes on something that’ll actually get the job done?
And he doesn’t need any money or any endorsement to make it happen.
What have you gotten for your political contributions in the past?
Valentine gets you what you’ve wanted for decades.
What do you expect to get from his political contribution this election cycle?
Your client is underpowered.
Your nonprofit is underpowered.
You can’t do it alone.
We’ve never been able to combine our power until now.
Valentine has a way to get underpowered nonprofits, celebrities and billionaires what they’ve wanted for decades.
Do NOT reveal TVC – just get the phone call
do NOT say The Valentine Constitution or a new constitution or TVC
He’s got a single piece of national legislation and a way to get it voted on and he’s got the votes to pass it.
It’s a deal between the left, right and center that they’ll all happily agree to.
The hard work has been done already.
All the provisions your client wants are included already.
I’m not qualified to pitch the thing. I’ve just looked at it and know it works.
The country’s divided and messed up. And the candidates and the non-profits and the marches haven’t solved the problems.
Nothing can fix it but this legislation because it’s an all inclusive deal that all sides will agree to.
You get what you want; they get what they want, and everybody compromises on issues they care less about.
This is your client’s chance to finally get what they want.
The entire country has been clamoring for these exact solutions for decades.
Nothing else can save us in time from the environmental disasters headed our way.
He’s kind of over it. He did all the work but he’s a scholar not a marketer or a politician. We’re going to lose this guy and this opportunity to save ourselves.
SAY what their client wants
Your client wants equal rights and equal pay for women – it’s in there.
Your client wants to save the environment so their kids don’t die horrible deaths- it’s in there.
Your client wants to end chronic poverty and police abuse and reform the sorts and criminal justice system – it’s in there.
Your client has been wanting this since forever and now she finally has a way to get it right in front of her and you’re going to deny her that opportunity to reach out and take it?
Your client has spent a lot of time and money NOT getting what they want; why not spend 10 minutes on something that will get the job done?
Valentine’s the real deal.
He was a straight A student in high school and skipped 11th grade then did college in 3 years – that’s where he started all this.
He’s spent 50,000 hours over 45 years in this.
He was a wonder kid of politics at age 20 when he simultaneously ran the precinct operations for a United States Senate campaign and a United States congressional campaign simultaneously.
He spent 5 years studying the governments of the world and then 40 years and $5 mil of his own money creating solutions to our problems.
The guy’s got more man hours in this then all the man hours that were put into our current Constitution.
And our foundations and rights are protected – he just adds the solutions to all the modern problems our old Constitution fails to cover.
He’s like the Mother Theresa of politics for god’s sake.
This is the guy who figured it out.
He’s spent his life on it – starting when he was 17 in college – because he was a straight A student in high school and skipped 11th grade!
He’s independently wealthy so he never had to work – so he was able to put 50,000 hours into it! And the work shows.
He lives in Miami Beach in Southpointe in one of those towers.
And he’s one of the most creative people ever – designs shoes, hats, suits bicycles, interior design, has song library, has made movies – writing, producing and directing all on his own, solo, which is his problem. We need to get him out there behind his solutions.
And he’s gorgeous, was a model in New York with Elite during the Studio 54 hey days! He has a new modeling site for big campaigns to fund his efforts: ValentineModel.com