Renewable Energy Grid
#TheValentineConstitution mandates the creation of a sustainable nationwide green grid.
#TheValentineConstitution allows Citizens to work safely from driverless cars, increasing their earning power by 25% on average, the amount now lost not working during a 45 minute commute.
#TheValentineConstitution allows driverless cars for watching movies or sports, computer work, sound cars, coolers or heaters, exercise, eating, showering, massage, yoga, sleeping, card games, bar cars, you name it.
#TheValentineConstitution provides for energy self-sufficient homes.
Energy self-sufficient homes are the most economical. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution energy grid provides cheap long term energy.
#TheValentineConstitution mandates sustainable living.
A sustainable energy grid will supply better, cleaner, longer term jobs, and keep our air, soil and water supply free from the contaminants and carcinogens that cost us dearly in health care and damage to our water and food supplies. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits oil, gas, coal and nuclear fuels in favor of sustainable energy.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits tolls which inhibit job search and travel, and create a rich-poor division.
#TheValentineConstitution creates electric solar roadways with high speed inter-city lanes and driverless electric cars we can work from saving a 1 hour commuter 33% of her earning power.
50% of our energy is lost in transmission from the power plant to the end user. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution establishes an energy grid with sources of energy close to the points of usage, saving us the 50% of our current energy now lost in transmission. HALVING our energy needs!
#TheValentineConstitution solar highway surfaced with solar panels.
#TheValentineConstitution establishes an energy and communications grid that is impervious to storms and outages and attack due to infinite re-routing options.
#TheValentineConstitution creates a sustainable grid with locally sourced energy NOT vulnerable to energy and communications outages.
#TheValentineConstitution solar highway and sustainable energy grid will end the need for snow removal at home and on our streets.
#TheValentineConstitution provides for a sustainable grid which will create jobs, exportable products and know how.
No Fossil Fuels
#TheValentineConstitution ends the fossil fuel age.
Sustainable energy maintenance jobs last forever while fossil fuel jobs get fewer and fewer and shorter and shorter every year. #TheValentineConstitution
Taxpayers subsidize the fossil fuel industry directly, with tax breaks and by paying to clean up all that air, aquifer, river and ocean pollution long into the future. #TheValentineConstitution
Gas fracturing uses millions of gallons of our rapidly disappearing clean fresh water, contaminates it with chemicals in the drilling process, and then pollutes our aquifers when they explode the shale to get to the gas or oil. #TheValentineConstitution
Solar energy has the same production cost as fossil fuel energy with cleaner longer term jobs and no environmental and health costs. #TheValentineConstitution
We can get the same energy from solar at the same price as fossil fuels and nuclear minus the environmental and health costs. #TheValentineConstitution
Solar roadways made of snap-in solar panels power electric vehicles, heat up in winter, no salting or plowing, and run next to accessible electric and communications cables, with sewage and water pipes nearby. #TheValentineConstitution
No more need to dig up the street over and over again to get to any lines. #TheValentineConstitution
We need a new infrastructure anyway. Why use old technology? #TheValentineConstitution
Small solar panels and wind turbines, solar roofs that also collect rain water into cisterns for cleaning and watering, and hundreds of other new technologies and ideas are available to stimulate our economy. #TheValentineConstitution
Bridges, houses and buildings with wind turbines tiny and large, solar roofs and south facing outer walls, geothermal wells, wind farms all filling local energy needs and storing or sending the excess down the grid where needed. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution ends the nuclear energy era and the nuclear weapons age.
Energy and water self-sufficient homes allow you to plug your car into your house when you get home from work. #TheValentineConstitution
Local energy production saves us the 50% of our current energy lost in transmission from the power plant to the usage point. #TheValentineConstitution
We’d have national information and communications security from infinite rerouting and back up capabilities for energy, communications and information. No more vulnerable power plant targets. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution solar highway keeps us safe from sector wide outages unlike our power plants.
Power will be created everywhere. Communications lines will run under panel with power lines. No single military strikes will be able to take out large regions of energy or communications or interrupt the flow of either.
Enhanced national security from infinite rerouting and back up capabilities for communications, information and the energy needed to run them produced from sources everywhere. #TheValentineConstitution
Energy will be produced everywhere and travel under roadways. Under panel power, communications and information lines will run everywhere impervious to military strikes.
Save the time and cost of pavement excavation to access cables and pipes, and eliminates weather related power outages. #TheValentineConstitution
Wall Street will no longer be able to create false power outages to drive up the price of their stocks. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution establishes a marketplace where American ingenuity and small businesses can thrive as leaders in innovation and champions of a vibrant middle class.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the production and use of fossil and nuclear energy that are destroying the nature we need to survive.
A tiny portion of jet fuel will be used for air travel and certain military applications until sustainable alternatives can be found. And hobbyists will be able to use gasoline for their few vehicles. #TheValentineConstitution
A sustainable energy grid will supply more long term jobs, and keep our air and soil and water supply free from the contaminants and carcinogens that cost us so much in health care and damage to our food and water supplies. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution ensures that oil, coal, gas and nuclear fuels do not pollute us to extinction.
#TheValentineConstitution makes energy a public utility again.
Fossil and nuclear fuels will be phased out by 2024, except for a tiny portion for air travel, research, hobbies and national security. #TheValentineConstitution
Sustainable energy now costs the same per kilowatt hours at point io usage as polluting forms of energy. #TheValentineConstitution
Sustainable energy costs decrease over time while fossil fuel costs increase. #TheValentineConstitution
Why knock down a mountain with Category 5 winds that can give us wind energy and jobs forever to get coal enough to fire a filthy power plant for a measly 6 months and jobs for only one year? #TheValentineConstitution
No Nuclear Fuel
The only justification for having nukes is that the other guy has them. Solution: dismantle them all. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the production and use of nuclear fuels that are destroying the nature we need to survive.
#TheValentineConstitution dismantles all nuclear weaponry and nuclear reactors worldwide, eliminating bomb making material.
#TheValentineConstitution prevents notorious madmen from building nuclear weapons which threaten our survival.
#TheValentineConstitution protects us from nuclear meltdowns like Fukujima, Japan and Turkey Point, FL.
#TheValentineConstitution requires that a sustainable grid replace toxic fossil fuel and nuclear energy.