No Fossil Fuels
#TheValentineConstitution ends the fossil fuel age.
Sustainable energy maintenance jobs last forever while fossil fuel jobs get fewer and fewer and shorter and shorter every year. #TheValentineConstitution
Taxpayers subsidize the fossil fuel industry directly, with tax breaks and by paying to clean up all that air, aquifer, river and ocean pollution long into the future. #TheValentineConstitution
Gas fracturing uses millions of gallons of our rapidly disappearing clean fresh water, contaminates it with chemicals in the drilling process, and then pollutes our aquifers when they explode the shale to get to the gas or oil. #TheValentineConstitution
Solar energy has the same production cost as fossil fuel energy with cleaner longer term jobs and no environmental and health costs. #TheValentineConstitution
We can get the same energy from solar at the same price as fossil fuels and nuclear minus the environmental and health costs. #TheValentineConstitution
Solar roadways made of snap-in solar panels power electric vehicles, heat up in winter, no salting or plowing, and run next to accessible electric and communications cables, with sewage and water pipes nearby. #TheValentineConstitution
No more need to dig up the street over and over again to get to any lines. #TheValentineConstitution
We need a new infrastructure anyway. Why use old technology? #TheValentineConstitution
Small solar panels and wind turbines, solar roofs that also collect rain water into cisterns for cleaning and watering, and hundreds of other new technologies and ideas are available to stimulate our economy. #TheValentineConstitution
Bridges, houses and buildings with wind turbines tiny and large, solar roofs and south facing outer walls, geothermal wells, wind farms all filling local energy needs and storing or sending the excess down the grid where needed. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution ends the nuclear energy era and the nuclear weapons age.
Energy and water self-sufficient homes allow you to plug your car into your house when you get home from work. #TheValentineConstitution
Local energy production saves us the 50% of our current energy lost in transmission from the power plant to the usage point. #TheValentineConstitution
We’d have national information and communications security from infinite rerouting and back up capabilities for energy, communications and information. No more vulnerable power plant targets. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution solar highway keeps us safe from sector wide outages unlike our power plants.
Power will be created everywhere. Communications lines will run under panel with power lines. No single military strikes will be able to take out large regions of energy or communications or interrupt the flow of either.
Enhanced national security from infinite rerouting and back up capabilities for communications, information and the energy needed to run them produced from sources everywhere. #TheValentineConstitution
Energy will be produced everywhere and travel under roadways. Under panel power, communications and information lines will run everywhere impervious to military strikes.
Save the time and cost of pavement excavation to access cables and pipes, and eliminates weather related power outages. #TheValentineConstitution
Wall Street will no longer be able to create false power outages to drive up the price of their stocks. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution establishes a marketplace where American ingenuity and small businesses can thrive as leaders in innovation and champions of a vibrant middle class.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the production and use of fossil and nuclear energy that are destroying the nature we need to survive.
A tiny portion of jet fuel will be used for air travel and certain military applications until sustainable alternatives can be found. And hobbyists will be able to use gasoline for their few vehicles. #TheValentineConstitution
A sustainable energy grid will supply more long term jobs, and keep our air and soil and water supply free from the contaminants and carcinogens that cost us so much in health care and damage to our food and water supplies. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution ensures that oil, coal, gas and nuclear fuels do not pollute us to extinction.
#TheValentineConstitution makes energy a public utility again.
Fossil and nuclear fuels will be phased out by 2024, except for a tiny portion for air travel, research, hobbies and national security. #TheValentineConstitution
Sustainable energy now costs the same per kilowatt hours at point io usage as polluting forms of energy. #TheValentineConstitution
Sustainable energy costs decrease over time while fossil fuel costs increase. #TheValentineConstitution
Why knock down a mountain with Category 5 winds that can give us wind energy and jobs forever to get coal enough to fire a filthy power plant for a measly 6 months and jobs for only one year? #TheValentineConstitution
No Nuclear Fuel
The only justification for having nukes is that the other guy has them. Solution: dismantle them all. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the production and use of nuclear fuels that are destroying the nature we need to survive.
#TheValentineConstitution dismantles all nuclear weaponry and nuclear reactors worldwide, eliminating bomb making material.
#TheValentineConstitution prevents notorious madmen from building nuclear weapons which threaten our survival.
#TheValentineConstitution protects us from nuclear meltdowns like Fukujima, Japan and Turkey Point, FL.
#TheValentineConstitution requires that a sustainable grid replace toxic fossil fuel and nuclear energy.
Dwindling Water Supplies
Foreign tankers are stealing our water from The Great Lakes and not even paying for it. #TheValentineConstitution
Unless we take drastic measures to protect our disappearing water supply we will not survive. #TheValentineConstitution
Foreign tankers are stealing our water from The Great Lakes and not even paying for it. #TheValentineConstitution
When did America become a nation of suckers, ripe for Wall Street’s fleecing? #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution stops foreign tankers from stealing fresh water from our Great Lakes to be exported overseas.
#TheValentineConstitution protects our disappearing fresh water supply.
4/5 of the world’s people are trying to survive on only 1/5 of the world’s fresh water. Most will die in the next 20 years. #TheValentineConstitution
90% of the world’s people will soon die fighting over 20% of the world’s fresh water supply. #TheValentineConstitution
1/5 of the world’s freshwater is in our Great Lakes,1/5 in Lake Baikal, 2/5 in the Amazon. 1/5 is left for 7 bil people. Most of them will soon die. #TheValentineConstitution
No Water Exportation
#TheValentineConstitution reserves our food and water for our Citizens.
Last time I checked, which was five minutes ago, human beings can’t drink oil or eat money. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the exportation of our fresh water.
Bottling companies are exporting water from our springs and lakes and rivers without paying for it. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution ensures foreign companies no longer steal fresh water from our Great Lakes, rivers and springs.
Wall Street agribusiness is exporting our water in crops, not paying for the water and making huge profits destroying nature using desert irrigation and monoculture farming. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the exportation of crops or products that require lots of fresh water.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the exportation or importation of unsustainably irrigated food.
#TheValentineConstitution prevents Wall Street agribusiness from using our water to reap huge profits from exported food.
Our water and our food belongs to American Citizens and is not a commodity to be traded for the benefit of the kings and queens of Wall Street at the expense of our very survival. #TheValentineConstitution
Naturally Replenishable Water Supply
We’ve exceeded the capacity of our aquifers to replenish themselves. #TheValentineConstitution
We can’t go to the well, and we can’t borrow water. #TheValentineConstitution
We’re using more water than we have. We can’t “go to the well”, cause they’re all drying up! #TheValentineConstitution
Water is not like the national debt. We can’t just swipe the country’s credit card to get more water. #TheValentineConstitution
Irrigation wells are now deeper than 5,000 feet because our aquifer levels have dropped to 1/3 of their natural state, too low to replenish themselves. #TheValentineConstitution
Deep well desert irrigation was an idea full of brainless male swagger, and it worked for the blink of an eye in the 1900s, and made men feel like men. #TheValentineConstitution
Wall Street agribusiness is destroying our fresh water supply with pesticides that also kill bees we need to pollinate our crops, and nitrogen that kills fish by producing algae which robs the water of oxygen. #TheValentineConstitution
Gas fracturing uses vast amounts of water in the drilling process and contaminates it with chemicals, and then also contaminates the water in our aquifers when exploding the shale. #TheValentineConstitution
Unless we cease gas fracturing and monoculture farming and overusing our aquifers, we’re not going to make it, and won’t want to live in the world we’re left with. #TheValentineConstitution
Unless we go to organic small farming with aggressive rainwater collection systems, and decrease our population, most of us are going to watch our children die of thirst and starvation. #TheValentineConstitution
No Dams
#TheValentineConstitution requires the decommissioning of all large hydro-electric dams by 2024, and their waters restored to their natural routes.
Mass release of water during peak electrical demands disrupts seasonal flow variations and creates downstream mini floods that erode soil and shorelines, and wipe out plants and fish and the organisms fish live off of. #TheValentineConstitution
Dams alter natural growth and reproduction cycles, and decrease oxygen levels causing fish to die. #TheValentineConstitution
Dams make riverbeds deeper, lowering water tables adjacent to rivers at a time when we need all the drinkable fresh water we can get our hands on. #TheValentineConstitution
Why do you think we’re eating farm raised salmon fed with hormones and pellets instead of the great wild stuff? They’ve killed them all. #TheValentineConstitution
The Valentine Constitution supplies electricity without destroying our water and food supplies and the nature we rely on to survive.
#TheValentineConstitution calls for the dismantling of most dams to increase aquifer water levels and to produce more food and fewer toxins.
Damming rivers destroys entire ecosystems and degrades both water quantity and quality. #TheValentineConstitution
Dams prevent the flow of nutrients, impede the migration of fish and other wildlife,preclude fishing and recreational uses. #TheValentineConstitution
Fresh water fishing creates lots of job and industries: food production and processing, tourism, sport, contests, hotels, restaurants, building, maintenance. It can drive an entire local economy. #TheValentineConstitution
Dams hold back silt, debris, nutrients, gravel, logs and other debris normally used downstream as food and habitat, allow silt to collect on river bottoms and bury fish spawning habitats, and cause heavy metal accumulation. #TheValentineConstitution
Dams kill entire species dependent upon steady flows to flush them downriver early in their life and guide them upstream to spawn in later years. #TheValentineConstitution
Dams create stagnant reservoir pools that disorient migrating fish. #TheValentineConstitution
Ineffective fish passage structures built for fish to get around dams are too long for fish to endure during critical annual migrations. #TheValentineConstitution
No Water No Building
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits building in places that have no water.
Why would anyone build a city hundreds of miles from a fresh water supply?To flex their muscles and show how small their brains are? #TheValentineConstitution
Putting large populations in harm’s way is the antithesis of good government, and yet greed and corruption has led us to just that. #TheValentineConstitution
Why are we building houses where there will soon be no water? Answer: greed. Just like the last recession and its $40 trillion in debt. We can’t borrow water. #TheValentineConstitution
Our corrupt government and economic system rarely follows common sense when greed is an option. #TheValentineConstitution
Everyone will make money in the game of musical chairs, until Mother Nature removes the chairs and stops the music. #TheValentineConstitution
The water supply in certain cities in the Southwest, Midwest and Southern Florida cannot sustainably support the populations already there, let alone any more people! #TheValentineConstitution
Sustainable Fresh Water Fishing
The nitrogen that makes crops grow faster and bigger runs off with the rainwater and irrigation water into our lakes and rivers and oceans, and creates algae blooms which rob the water of oxygen killing all the fish. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution ensures that our fisheries are not starved of oxygen by algae created by nitrogen used to enhance crop yields.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits nitrogen used to enhance crop yields which runs off into our waterways creating algae that robs the water of oxygen killing our fish.
Fresh water fishing creates lots of job and industries: food production and processing, tourism, sport, contests, hotels, restaurants, building, maintenance. It can drive an entire local economy. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prevents river damming which destroys ecosystems, disrupts the food chain, and degrades water quantity and quality, and destroys fish populations.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits damming, and returns blocked rivers to their natural flows.
#TheValentineConstitution clears out invasive Asian bigheads, snakeheads, carp and nutria destroying the in the Mississippi River system.
Last time I checked, which was five minutes ago, human beings can’t drink oil or eat money. #TheValentineConstitution
Organic Farming
Organic farming is far more economical than chemical farming. #TheValentineConstitution
Organic farming has none of the high costs of chemical farming: pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, nitrogen, deep well digging, irrigation systems, and all the costs in labor, equipment and maintenance. #TheValentineConstitution
Small organic farms are the most economical, create the best jobs and work environments, and produce the healthiest food and animals. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution requires a return to safe, organic farming practices with no synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, so we will have food far into the future.
#TheValentineConstitution limits crop size so that enough plant varieties bloom spring, summer, and autumn to give pollinating insects something to live off of.
#TheValentineConstitution requires healthy organic sustainable farming.
Honey Bees and Pollinators
#TheValentineConstitution eliminates the chemicals that kill the bees and insects necessary to grow crops.
Nitrogen boosts crop yields but creates algae blooms that rob oxygen and kill fish. #TheValentineConstitution
When the family farm went extinct, we didn’t know we’d be next. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits pollinator-killing fertilizers, and requires sustainable organic farming.
If we lose the honey bees we lose our food supply. #TheValentineConstitution
When the bees die, we die. #TheValentineConstitution
Honey bees are necessary to pollinate crops. There is no other way. #TheValentineConstitution
80% of food cannot grow without pollination. #TheValentineConstitution
Soon we will have to make $10,000 nano drones to pollinate our crops. #TheValentineConstitution
Toxic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides kill the bees we need to pollinate our crops or there’s no more food. #TheValentineConstitution
Why use toxic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides when they kill the bees we need to pollinate our crops? #TheValentineConstitution
No Chemical Farming
Poisoning our own food supply is stupid, and now more expensive than organic farming due to the costs of all the equipment, chemicals and their application. #TheValentineConstitution
Megalomaniacal, addictively greedy Wall Street CEOs lie and cheat and falsify the scientific data they give to the politicians and media outlets they own. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution requires that we stop using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, so we will have a safe water and food supply far into the future.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the pesticides and synthetic fertilizers that are slowly killing us and the bees and insects who pollinate our crops and keep us alive.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits fish-killing nitrogen and toxins.
#TheValentineConstitution ensures that our fisheries are not decimated by fish-killing algae created by nitrogen used to enhance crop yields.
Toxic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are not even easier or cheaper anymore. It’s simply what all these chemists know how to do. They’re not farmers, they’re technicians. #TheValentineConstitution
We’re killing ourselves so CEOs can put another 100 feet on their yachts! #TheValentineConstitution
Our air, water, crops and food contain all the insecticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers used on crops, and all the fossil fuels and industrial chemicals and ground down plastics we used. #TheValentineConstitution
Wall Street agribusiness and chemical business money addicts prefer money to survival. #TheValentineConstitution
Toxins will be eliminated from our food supply by #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits toxic farming practices.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits bee-killing monoculture farming, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, and hormones, and requires that all farming be organic so bees, and we, can survive.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the production and use of all chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers because it all ends up in our air, water and food, making us sick and killing the bees we need to pollinate our crops.
The nitrogen that makes crops grow faster and bigger runs off with the rainwater and irrigation water into our lakes and rivers and oceans, and creates algae blooms which rob the water of oxygen killing all the fish.
Healing Tasty Organic Food
Organic farming is far more economical than chemical farming. #TheValentineConstitution
Great cooks and people who love God don’t serve fake food. #TheValentineConstitution
Would you rather live in pain or in comfort. #TheValentineConstitution
Would you rather pay the doctor of the farmer. #TheValentineConstitution
Food grown using toxic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides tastes horrible so they add, corn syrup, salt, fat and chemical flavors and enhancers to make it edible. #TheValentineConstitution
Commercial food would make you gag without all the chemical flavor enhancers, and corn syrup and salt and fats they add. #TheValentineConstitution
All the great chefs and foodies eat organic. All the rich people eat organic. All the poor people eat crap. Thank Wall Street, Ratify #TheValentineConstitution
All the great chefs and foodies eat organic. All the rich people eat organic. All the poor people eat crap courtesy of Wall Street. Ratify #TheValentineConstitution
Poor people can only afford the cheap, disease-causing junk food engineered to stimulate their taste buds courtesy of Wall Street. Ratify #TheValentineConstitution
None of the talented chefs use commercial ingredients. #TheValentineConstitution
No Endangered Hunting, Imports or Sale
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits hunting endangered species or the biggest or best of any species, or the sale or use of their body parts.
Species diversity is critical to maintaining the natural balance required to sustain the food chains we feed off of. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits hunting the biggest or best of any species.
#TheValentineConstitution leaves the biggest and the best of a species in place to breed and keep the species strong.
It’s not worth sacrificing our food chain just so some insecure morons can have a trophies on their walls. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the importation or sale of endangered species or their body parts.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits killing off a species and putting humans in peril just so some insecure idiot can have a trophy on his wall. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution restores the nature we live off of, so that we and our offspring can survive.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the importation or sale of endangered species body parts.
No Invasive Species
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits importing non-indigenous animals into the US.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits releasing non-indigenous animals into the American environment.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits planting non-indigenous plants in America.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits non-indigenous plants or animals and their release, importation or planting.
Exotic pets released in the wild have bred and disrupted the food chains we need to live off of. #TheValentineConstitution
20,000 pythons in The Everglades, angel fish in our gulf, Asian bighead and snakeheads and carp in the Mississippi River system, coyotes and 5,000,000 wild boar are destroying our food chains an making nature outings dangerous. #TheValentineConstitution
We will not risk the destruction of the ecosystem we need to survive just so a few bored idiots can torture some poor foreign pet to get some cheap attention. #TheValentineConstitution
Invasive species are destroying our food chains an making nature outings dangerous. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits the importation of invasive species.
No Captive Animals
No feedlot beef, growth hormones, antibiotics, overcrowding, or tortuous killing and processing. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution requires animals be treated with respect, be raised naturally and not in cages and encourages breed and crop diversity.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits keeping wild animals in captivity.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits keeping wild animals unless it requires aid.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits feeding wild animals or keeping wild animals in captivity unless it requires aid.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits slaughterhouse terror, feedlot poisoning, and cage-raised poultry.
#TheValentineConstitution requires that animals be treated with respect.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits terror, toxins and cage raising.
#TheValentineConstitution requires that animals be raised in their natural habitats and not in cages.
#TheValentineConstitution encourages breed and plant diversity.
No Feeding Wild Animals
Every single park ranger and wildlife biologist will tell you it’s a bad idea to feed wild animals. #TheValentineConstitution prohibits feeding wild animals.
Wild animals who get used to a food source get aggressive seeking it out when it’s not there. #TheValentineConstitution
Animals you feed today may be killed as pests tomorrow. #TheValentineConstitution
Competing for human food creates harmful animal relationships, and sociologies which do not translate well to the wild.
Feeding wild animals creates injuries and stress as the animals fight over food. This rarely happens when hunting or collecting food naturally. #TheValentineConstitution
Human food makes animals sick, especially wild ones. #TheValentineConstitution
Feeding wild animals makes them dependent on humans and unable to hunt. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits feeding wild animals unless it’s a rescue and its habitat is appropriate.
Unless wild animals require aid, feeding them is prohibited by #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits feeding wild animals.
Human food is not good for animals, especially wild ones. #TheValentineConstitution
Feeding wild animals makes them unable to hunt or teach their offspring to hunt. #TheValentineConstitution
Human food causes disease in animals, especially wild ones. #TheValentineConstitution
Wild animals need nature’s diet to remain healthy. #TheValentineConstitution
Feeding wild animals causes them to reproduce more than their natural environment can support. #TheValentineConstitution
Feeding wild animals causes them to not migrate. #TheValentineConstitution
Competing for food from humans ruins animals their ability to compete for food in nature. #TheValentineConstitution
Crop and Breed Diversity
#TheValentineConstitution mandates crop and breed diversity to avoid food crises and species extinction.
#TheValentineConstitution mandates crop and breed diversity to avoid crises like the potato famine and the banana collapse.
#TheValentineConstitution mandates crop and breed diversity to allow us access to the unique healing properties of each species of plant and animal.
Species diversity is critical to our survival. #TheValentineConstitution
Species diversity is critical to our survival because they protect us against widespread disease, infestations, blights and crop failures. #TheValentineConstitution
Species diversity gives us options during blights or infestations, since not all types of a species are vulnerable and some types are immune. #TheValentineConstitution
Sustainable Ocean Fishing
Whalers, Fukushima, plastics, oil spills, pollutants all must be dealt with conclusively if the human race in general, and Americans in particular, are going to survive. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution requires that earth’s interconnected oceanic ecosystem be fished sustainably and organically, and empowers our Armed Forces to enforce the policy worldwide.
The Valentine Constitution requires that all of the oceans, being an interconnected ecosystem, be fished sustainably and organically, and empowers our Armed Forces to enforce this policy worldwide.
We must aggressively protect what’s left of our fisheries or end up with nothing. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution prevents sinful CEO money addicts from destroying God’s Garden of Eden.
#TheValentineConstitution ensures that our fisheries are not decimated by algae created by nitrogen used to enhance crop yields.
All of the non-profit organizations with all of their fundraisers and all of their events with all of their literature and all of their volunteers and all of their important board meetings have failed for decades. #TheValentineConstitution
Not a single nonprofit in America has ever fulfilled its mission. Ratifying #TheValentineConstitution is the only thing that can save us.
All the non-profit organizations will continue to fail unless each and every one of them champions the ratification of #TheValentineConstitution in which case they will succeed and we can get down to the real work of implementation.
#TheValentineConstitution prevents amoral CEO money addicts from destroying nature.
As with any addict, you’re talking to the drug not a person. In Wall Street’s case, greed. Greed sees only money, not the future, not nature. #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution makes sure nobody destroys the world’s fisheries.
#TheValentineConstitution enforces the organic sustainability of all oceans and seas worldwide.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits foreign companies from depleting our fisheries.
#TheValentineConstitution protects our national waters from overfishing, unsustainable fishing practices, and nonorganic fish farming.
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits nitrogen used to enhance crop yields which runs off into our waterways creating algae that robs the water of oxygen killing our fish.
#TheValentineConstitution protects all of the earth’s oceans and seas from overfishing.
Human beings are officially an endangered species. Only #TheValentineConstitution can make all of this happen in time to save us.
Wall Street’s money addict CEOs are like all other addicts. Most don’t see the consequences, and the rest don’t care. #TheValentineConstitution
Nontoxic Building Materials
#TheValentineConstitution prohibits toxic materials that cost us dearly in health care bills, sick days, pain, suffering and unhappiness.
Lacking strength and durability, and causing cancer and illness, toxic, caustic building materials are also costly and time consuming to erect and repair. #TheValentineConstitution
Numerous Wall Street monopolies collude with each other and get their politician buddies to outlaw the competition: new technologies and new product imports like solar hemp, solar roofing and solar driveway pavers. #TheValentineConstitution
Modern toxic living has given us a whole new list of diseases never before known to humankind not the least of which are a host of cancer types. #TheValentineConstitution
Wall Street monopolies stay rich by keeping things old. They get their politician buddies to outlaw new technologies so US consumers never even know that solar driveway pavers exist. Keep shoveling that snow, or ratify #TheValentineConstitution
Magnesium oxide-based concrete and sheetrock is water proof, mold proof, sound proof, fireproof, lightweight, non-toxic, biodegradable and recyclable and ILLEGAL. #TheValentineConstitution will make it LEGAL.
Over 70 years ago the plastics industry lobbied hard to make harmless hemp fiber illegal to eliminate the competition as it does now by successfully lobbying to outlaw new materials and technologies. #TheValentineConstitution
Hemp was and is a great building material but will continue to be illegal until we ratify #TheValentineConstitution
#TheValentineConstitution requires that we update our 2,000 year old building materials and construction methods.
Out antiquated construction industry has been in dire need of modernization for half a century. #TheValentineConstitution
The US construction industry has embarrassed itself for decades by failing miserably to keep up with the innovations taking place in every other industry and country on earth. #TheValentineConstitution
Environmental Foreign Policy
#TheValentineConstitution promotes clean energy worldwide.
#TheValentineConstitution restricts trade and commerce to nations with sustainable population sizes.
#TheValentineConstitution restricts trade and commerce to nations with no nuclear or fossil fuels.
#TheValentineConstitution restricts trade and commerce to nations with toxin-free building and manufacturing.
#TheValentineConstitution restricts trade and commerce to nations that build toxin-free buildings.
#TheValentineConstitution restricts trade and commerce to nations that use no toxins in their buildings.
#TheValentineConstitution restricts trade and commerce to nations that prohibit toxic products.
#TheValentineConstitution restricts trade and commerce to nations that do not produce toxic products.
#TheValentineConstitution restricts trade and commerce to nations with toxin-free manufacturing.
#TheValentineConstitution restricts trade and commerce to nations that practice organic farming.
#TheValentineConstitution restricts trade and commerce to nations that outlaw toxic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.