Section. 5. Marriage and the family will be considered a business; each spouse and child will equally share ownership of any property held in the family name, but not of property held personally by family members:
Gives children family property rights.
… any spouse may end a marriage for any reason, but will be liable to their spouse and children for damages resulting from misdeeds like adultery, as will their partners in adultery:
An adulterous spouse and his/her lover will both be liable for breaking up the home.
… an adulterous spouse must relinquish their portion of any commonly owned family property;
… each biological parent will be responsible for half, or all if only one parent is living, of the expenses necessary to keep a child out of poverty until the age of 18;
… parents cannot abandon or give up for adoption their biological child unless and only while incapable of properly raising the child, and must become capable ASAP;
… sperm donation and surrogate child bearing will be prohibited both domestically and internationally;
…the child decides uncoerced which available fit parent – biological, divorced, adoptive, surrogate – to live with.
… oppressing a child will be prohibited:
Successful societies require properly developed children.
Section. 1. Children aged 3 to 5 years will have the right to attend 4 hours of pre-schooling daily:
All children, including neglected ones, will have the right to receive basic nutrition, basic learning, interpersonal skills, contact with other children, attention and love.
… Children aged 6 to 18 will have the right to attend school starting at 9 am as well as some summer classes and to receive an education taught in the English language:
Children will have the right to go to school. Classes begin after breakfast at 9 am so children get enough sleep.
… to travel unmolested to and from school and home;
… will be afforded all the financial rights, civil protections and applications of the law afforded to adults:
Children will have the rights adults do so long as being a child does not limit the right, as with driving or drinking. In commerce for example, high school basketball players could be paid by Nike, or girls who makes purses could sell them at Macy’s or at school. In fact, K-12 schools will encourage and teach students to make money off of their gifts and aptitudes.
… will each school day receive a free healthful organic 8:15 am breakfast, noon luncheon, and afternoon supper;
… will receive free basic health and dental services as needed from a clinic located on campus:
Children will have a healthy foundation and habits, a good education, and a real shot at life, liberty and happiness.
Keeping 90% of our current Constitution, foundations and rights intact, The Valentine Constitution modernizes our unaccountable government to assist rather than restrict citizens.
Women, LGBTs, blacks, anti-tax and anti-deficit groups, environmentalists, 80% of America will get what they want most.
Candidates, nonprofits, foundations, protests and fundraisers have failed for decades to fulfill their missions. If they were going to solve our problems, they would have by now. How much longer will you hope that government or Wall Street or scientists solve your problems when they haven’t yet?
Even if your wish list of candidates were elected, what legislation would they pass? They’re too polarized and stalemated, between and within parties, to pass all the legislation needed to solve our many problems, and how long would it take them? It took Valentine 12,000 hours over 45 years! Unless we dictate play, our problems will never be solved.
Left, right and center voters, nonprofits, causes and celebrities can combine their considerable power to get the word out to dictate to candidates to vote FOR RATIFICATION or not be (re)elected.
The hard work’s been done. All you have to do is say you want it to trigger positive polling and they’ll ratify it to get your vote, then we can finally fix everything.
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